Journey Within

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Peanut was racking his brain, trying to remember the exact details of his nefarious kidnapping.  He felt the pressure of his two lovers looking at him. "I don't remember much, but I do remember that I was drugged, or... or hit with a smoke bomb. Something to make me fall asleep. And then... and then I heard a voice." Peanut suddenly stopped talking. His words died in his throat, and he felt as if he couldn't speak. Something forced him into silence.

Gretta, June, and Boomer stared at him. The twins were nowhere to be found. Peanut shied from the spotlight, his eyelashes batting. June looked sympathetic, and she crawled towards Peanut, entwining their hands lovingly. Peanut's spirits lifted, and his heart soared. She didn't hate him after all!

Peanut let out a deep breath. "My kidnapper... he was smaller than me in size, I know that for sure. I never got a good look, but I know he was male, and I know he was someone familiar." Peanut grew quiet, slipping into his disturbed thoughts. How could the kidnapper have known his exact location? His mannerisms? He would have had to have known him for a long time in order to capture him the way he did, seeing as Peanut was a very agile creature.

"So he was small, had quills, was male, and you knew him from somewhere else. That sounds..." June gasped, a horrid, shrieking sound. Everyone rushed to her side, even Gretta. Peanut's eyes widened in shock, all thoughts of the kidnapper left his mind, what happened to his beloved?

A/N~ Sorry for the short chapter, we're getting a lot done tonight. Do you like longer or shorter chaps? 

Question of the Chapter: What do you think happened to June?

Tysm for all the reads, btw! We got like 20 in the past day!

Current amount of reads: 4,888

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