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(June POV)
The memory of the dream I had is still fresh in my mind from the previous night.

I couldn't get the thought of him out of my head. Peanut. The name itself makes my heart flutter. What was I thinking?

I cleared the thought from my mind as I raced down the stairs. Today is the day I start math camp. Although I am reluctant to go, I decide to go against my feelings.

I trekked lazily to the kitchen, grabbing an apple as I made my way out the door. I found my father waiting for me in the car. I grinned sheepishly in his direction, waving slightly to gain his attention. He smiled brightly as I entered the vehicle.

"Are you ready to go, kiddo?"

My father asked me and I looked to him, apprehensive.

"I'm not so sure about this, dad." I told him quietly.

He smiled at me reassuringly and immediately my anxiety about the trip faded. I knew in that moment that he would be alright.

*time skip*

I stared out the window of the now moving car, my eyes drifting to the many things that passed in a rush. I couldn't help but feel dread in the pit of my stomach. The car pulled slowly into the lot.

I hesitated to leave the vehicle, but I exited regardless. I looked around at the many children surrounding the bus, my worries leaving me as I noticed my best friend in the large crowd.

My father and I said our goodbyes, I didn't want to leave him alone. I found a seat next to Banky on the bus, smiling at a few familiar faces as I entered. I attempted to brush away my anxieties, singing along with the children as the bus began to move.

The more I began to think about my father being home alone, the more worried I became. Horrific scenarios began to muster in my mind. I couldn't take this much longer.

I turned to Banky." I need you to help me get off of this bus. I have to get back home." I said in a panick.

With much persuading, Banky agreed to help me. I gave him a clear zip lock bag filled with fake vomit. He took it reluctantly, causing a scene as he moved to the center aisle of the bus. He pretended to be nauseous, spouting out words such as "I think I'm going to be sick" or "I don't think I can hold on much longer."

Banky then opened the bag and dumped the vomit onto the floor. The children screamed and the bus screeched to a halt. I laughed, watching as everyone scrambled to get off of the bus.

I thanked my friend briefly before rushing off into the woods. I calculated the amount of time it would take me to reach home. I should be there before anyone has the chance to worry. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

My eyes wandered to the growing forest before me. The trees stood tall, their beauty capturing my attention. As I walked, something had caught my eye. There was a shimmer beneath a brush. I walked closer towards the foreign object, ripping away whatever debris stood in my way. I was shocked to find a cart hidden underneath the brush. What could this mean?

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