Let it be Me (Finished)

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(June's pov)

"My dear June, I have planned a very special night for us," Peanut said to June gently as he took her hand into his own. She searched deep into his hazel eyes, which were like a mixture of tree bark and beautiful green leaves, loving the mischevious glint in them. Peanut smiled at her. She was still thinking about how he had referred to the two of them as a couple, finally acknowledging it. It wasn't all inside her head. 

"Well, my dear, come with me!" He said excitedly, leading her into a forest. He looked up and gestured to the biggest tree, eyes twinkling. "Come on, don't tell me you've never climbed a tree before?" He pouted.  June nudged him playfully and began to climb the tree in question, finding that it's branches were as thick as Peanut's giant monkey schlong

"I grew this and got it enchanted, just for us." Peanut said smoothly. June laughed. There was no way he did that. "It's true!" He insisted charmingly. She rolled her eyes fondly, almost losing her grip on the tree. Once she climbed to the highest branch, her quick and clever hunky monkey boyfriend only an inch behind her, she gasped.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Peanut asked, flashing a dazzling smile with his pearly white teeth.

June could see the whole park, the lights shimmered beautifully underneath the milk white moon. Colors of all kinds danced in the eyes of her voluptuous monkey lover. One could only describe the look that he held in his eyes as lust. I was a bit taken aback by that look, but soon, I found myself mirroring his actions. I settled myself against the back of the pristine redwood tree as Peanut stalked towards my now retreating figure. Excitement bubbled in my chest, but soon dread washed over me like waves crashing against a beach. 

Peanut stalked toward me on the branch, eyes lidded , heavy, and filled with desire. I looked back at him with the same emotions, trying to quell that horrid beeping noise and the rushed voices beginning to rise in the back of my head.  Not again, I thought, but it was getting harder to ignore, harder to suppress.

Peanut grinned, and I thought he looked absolutely gorgeous like this. He said softly to me, leaning over to whisper in my ear, 

"Will you marry me?" 


(A/N time!!!!)

So.... we're back!

Tonight we'll be finishing Sweet Whispers, seeing as the last chapter is going up a few minutes after this.

Sorry we've been gone for a while, things haven't lined up for us to write. And sorry for the promises around our anniversary in June where we said we would update but didn't. 

Question of the Chapter: How do you think the story will end?

Current Amount of Reads: 5,676

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