Looking Into Your Eyes

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June POV
I leaned into Peanut's touch, relieved that my savior had to come to my rescue. Although, I still felt dread in the pit of my stomach. I could not explain this feeling. It was not foreign to me, yet I felt like it was just now making its presence known. I knitted my eyebrows together, placing my finger on my chin in deep thought.

Why would Gretta do this?

That simple thought lingered in my mind for what felt like hours. From her description of their relationship previous to my return, it sounded like she held affection for Peanut. Just thinking about the two of them sharing a bond stronger than Peanut and I caused my stomach to churn. Was this envy, anger, fear, paranoia? I could not tell, but what I did know is that I was in trouble.

With a lovesick Gretta and a monkey torn between two worlds, I wasn't sure what to do in this situation. My life is at stake, but I do not feel willing to give up on my love for Peanut.

"June, are you alright?" I heard Peanut ask me. He was clearly concerned for my safety and well-being. If only he knew what things this monster was capable of.

Somehow even through the midst of all this, I couldn't help but feel hurt. Gretta was one of my closest friends, but because of my impulsive actions, I jeopardized her relationship with someone she truly loved. Why, why did it have to be Peanut?

I faked a smile, it wasn't very convincing, but I was able to pull it off well. Peanut looked unsure, but regardless he took my hand into his own and stroked his thumb across the top of it. I looked into his beautiful green eyes, they were filled with passion and love. I was captured by his gaze, I hardly noticed Gretta looking in my direction. It didn't take much to know that she was angry. Livid was not a strong enough word to describe how Gretta felt towards me. It terrified me.

"I'm okay, Peanut. I've missed you." I pushed my fear aside, boldly pressing my lips against Peanut's. They were so soft, like silk. Oh how I've yearned to kiss those lips. He was taken aback for a moment, but he soon melted into the kiss. Nothing around me mattered anymore, I knew what I was doing as soon as the thought had crossed my mind. I did not regret my actions, I was on cloud nine. I heard a small gasp come from the bitter warthog.

A small part of me felt guilty for what I had done. Was this ignorance, hatred? I believed it to be a mixture of the two, but one thing I was sure about was the fact that I would fight for Peanut's love. I would not be giving up so easily.

Peanut was the first to pull away. My lungs craved for the air that they so desperately needed. I smiled, resting my forehead against his own. We were both breathless from the moment we shared. Peanut ran his fingers through my hair tenderly. Everytime his fingers would glide across my skin, a small shiver would travel down my spine. I was wrapped around his finger.

"June, looking into your eyes, I see who you truly are. You are mine, and I will never let you go."

(A/N): ~ heyo my favorite people! I wanted to thank you all so much for 1000 reads!! I appreciate and love each and every single one of you, stay awesome! So sorry for the late update. I hope you're enjoying this cringy book, have a wonderful day ~

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