Final Bow (Author's note)

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Did the last chapter destroy you? I'm glad <3

This book was started by three cousins: two twins and a younger cousin.

and it was all a joke.

I don't know if you could tell from the first chapter or as the book went on, but Im pretty sure some of you thought this book was un-ironic. An actual work of passion. Which... was not the case. (i mean,, we did have to think about it sometimes though)

we were never in the wonderpark fandom, but we wanted to see if there was one. We wanted to make it a more popular fandom if so, because wouldn't that be funny? Making a popular fic for a little fandom that made it popular? I specifically remember one of our talking points of making this fic was 'lets bring out the fandom'.

we watched Wonder Park over at our grandma's and then made this book at 1:20 a.m. on June 22nd, 2019, when we were tired and kind of delirious and thought it was the funniest thing. We made our picture and account name Banky bc it was funny. We made that the cover for the story, too, for good measure. Each chapter title is also the title of a song from the Easy Listening and Beautiful Instrument channels on Direct TV because they were dramatic and they fit the story.

We also used this account to troll people a few times, which was fun.

Pretty much, anything done on any of our wattpad accounts (we have a few) or just any of our (us three authors) accounts on any other platform has been done as a joke. A complete troll. 

Not to say we didn't appreciate the reads and comments, because we did. We did appreciate them. In fact, I wish we had gotten more.

We pretty much just wanted to see how many reads this story could get, how many followers we'd receive because of it.

Oh! and we created this account to be an accurate parody of the sterotypical wattpad account. So, a shy girl with self esteem issues. Which we do have a bit of irl, but it's, y'know, exaggerated here. That's also why this story is filled with so many cliche tropes and shit. But yeah, that's the reason we used to end all of our announcements with 'i hate myself'. We even attempted to roleplay a couple times! Do any of you remember that?

We certainly didn't expect any of this to go on for as long as it did. But we only updated or acted on anything if we were all together, so that's a good chunk of the reasons. But two years... yeesh. We've been wanting it to be over for a while. It's been sort of stressful, especially since we work hard to keep it so that us three are the only ones who know about this acc in our irl lives. We plan to take this secret to our graves.

So, there's that. 

Tl;Dr: It was all a joke and/or parody. The stuff on this account, the stuff on our other social media(s). All of it. And we didn't expect it to take two years, but we're finally done!

This story was fun to write, though. It gave us lots of laughs. We hope it continues to be read and commented on.

A special thanks to the people who have been here from the beginning and/or some accounts that have played a part in our time inside this jar of hellfire. (These aren't in any particular order)



June137/June138/the other june accounts (same person <3)



pr1nceg0ld (formerly gae-blender, which was how we knew you)





So yeah. We probably won't come back to this account. If you have questions, though, about the story or about the whole... situation, you can definitely ask! We might just answer. 

Hope you enjoy the story.

Final Current amount of reads: 5,751 (Thank you!)


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