Ninki Minjaj

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(3rd person pov, june focused)

June looked over to gretta, who was practically dancing with nervousness. Luckily, Gretta's plan had taken a few days, so June had time to recover from her sudden spell of bedridden headaches. The beep had faded into a quiet noise at the back of her head, but she almost felt sluggish lately, like this life wasn't really her own.  "June, it's happening today. can you come?" Gretta asked excitedly. "I... I think so." June answered. "I'm excited for you and Steve." 

"Me too, let's see if the boys are there, June. Come on!" Gretta exclaimed. She picked up a picnic basket, which she and June had carefully prepared, with her teeth. Inside the wicker basket were chunks of watermelon, Steve's favorite fruit, fruit-punch flavored (unbranded) juice pouches (totally not CapriSuns what are you talking about), and little turkey sandwiches with the crusts carefully cut off. Together the two ran down to the beach, which was in view of Firework Hill.

Peanut, Boomer, Steve, and Steve's body guards were already there. Peanut was cowering behind Boomer, and his face lit up with love and relief when he saw June and Gretta. "June, my love!" He exclaimed in that wonderful, smooth, manly voice of his. "Peanut, my darling," June replied with a smile on her face. Her brows creased as the beeping began to get louder, but she faked another smile. She would be fine. She wouldn't pass out. not on today of all days.

"Boomer, you brought the beach ball?" Gretta asked. "Yup, set up the volleyball net, too! Took forever, but I'm not one to..." Boomer fell asleep and then immediately woke up. "Complain!" He finished. Everyone gave a small chuckle at that, even Steve, who was wearing his new usual outfit, or the one June had seen on him the last time she saw him, seven days ago. It was completely black leather, and if June was being honest, it looked horrendously uncomfortable. 

"Steve you look... quite dashing today." Gretta batted her eyelashes. Steve blushed and looked away, and June saw the remnants of her old, shy friend somewhere underneath his spiky, leathery exterior.

They unpacked their lunch and ate and talked. The whole time, Gretta and Steve stole glances at each other like shy little kids. After that, they played volleyball. June took a blow to the face from the beach ball and the beeping suddenly grew louder than ever before. A voice whispered something at her, something that sounded like "stay strong, Junie." "Peanut?" June asked. "Yes, my love?" Peanut asked, suddenly at June's side. An ice-pack was pressed to her head, and she was wrapped in a beach towel. Boomer and the twins, Steve's bodyguards, were splashing in the nearby water. Steve himself was sitting a few feet away. "Just wait here," Gretta whispered sensually into his ear. June smirked, knowing what was to come. 

A few moments later, June heard the sound of a fuse being lit. Next thing she knew, beautiful, intricate fireworks were exploding. June knew they were created with only the detail and caring craftsmanship of Peanut, but she didn't mind. They spelled out 'I LOVE YOU, STEVE" surrounded by a giant red heart.

Peanut smiled softly to himself, but the loud booming was hurting June's head. What was that? She asked, feeling that the voice was not Peanut's. The voice sounded more... feminine. "Peanut," June began, biting her lip in nervousness. There were no medics for miles. What was she going to do? "I know, June, don't worry. They're not the only couple experiencing the magic of romance tonight." 

Couple? June asked herself, feeling a little giddy.


yooooo a wild ride this has been, right?

Any way,,, 

Question of the Chapter: Who's voice was it that spoke to June? 

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