Love is a Curse

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June crumpled to the floor. She cried out in agony, and she couldn't see. She couldn't move, either. She knew that her friends - or former friends - were at her side. "June! June!" Someone called. It was probably Peanut. 

"June, I don't know if you can hear me..." Peanut's voice sounded less like his own and more like June's father's. But then June's brain shut down that thought. She screamed again. The next time she heard something, she fell asleep.

When June woke up, she was in a soft, cozy room, lit only by candles. Peanut was rubbing his hairy monkey thumb over her own. "How are you feeling?" Peanut asked, his voice gentle. June groaned. "My head hurts." As soon as she spoke she heard a soft beeping noise nagging at the back of her mind.

"Oh... I'm sorry." Peanut looked away in uncertainty. "What... what's wrong?" June asked. It pained her to get up. "Too many things." Peanut answered darkly, refusing to look June in the eyes. June rolled her own emerald orbs, even though it hurt her. "Peanut, communication is... it's key. If you can't talk to me... I... I don't know if we can... Aah!" June gasped as she felt a voice speak to her. It made her sleepy. 

Peanut rushed to her side. "June, please, I can't live without you." The desperation in his eyes was akin to a dried patch of grass, yearning for water after a drought. It pained June to speak at all, but she had to. "You seemed... seemed pretty comfortable with Gretta." She grimaced. Peanut's eyes widened for a brief moment, then softened." Oh June, my dear June. Gretta is nothing but a memory of the past."

Just as Peanut finished his sentence, Gretta walked through the doors. Her eyes glistened with fresh tears and her hung mouth agape." P-Peanut, how could you? I thought we had something, I thought you loved me?" June watched as Peanut's forest green eyes flashed with regret. She could tell that from the inside he was broken, his two worlds torn apart by the curse that they call love. 

She felt a sudden possessiveness come over her. Peanut was hers. He loved her. How could Gretta still have hope for the two of them? She was delusional. June slipped back into the peace of slumber. She was too tired, even if she did want to strangle the stupid warthog.

A/N~ Surprise! A third chapter!  Sorry it's kinda short, it's just the length we've been working with a lot lately and it's comfortable. Either way, you got another chapter, so hey!! Look at us!!

Question of the chapter:   What do you think June would have done or said to Gretta if she hadn't fallen asleep?

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