Only In Your Arms

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         June quickly untied Peanut, the monkey love of her life, and gazed lovingly into his eyes. "What have they done to you?" She asked softly, reaching out for his tender, furry cheek. "oKAY, that's enough. Let's get him out of here. I don't like this." Gretta interrupted their moment, dragging Peanut by his ginormous ear with her huge mouth. June rolled her eyes. 

        "While I'd like to disagree, I don't like this either. However, we are surrounded by chimpanzombies, Gretta. How the hell are we to get around them?"  

        Gretta and Peanut shared a look for too long, and June didn't like the atmosphere between them. She knew by their dazed expressions that they were having flashbacks. June narrowed her emerald eyes in anger. Peanut gazed longingly into Gretta's eyes and they both nodded. 

         The battle against the chimpanzombies was like a vivacious, ravenous tango filled with the utmost passion. They fought with the recklessness of a thousand rats scurrying away from rat poison, flinging chimpanzombies left and right. Half of them were defeated within three hours, either too wounded to move, dead, or had completely given up and fled. The second wave ran for reinforcements, but they were too late. Gretta and Peanut's fighting style was as graceful, elegant, and in sync as two lovers locking lips in fervent kiss.

          Peanut dips Gretta at the end of the dance, as smooth as water cascading down a waterfall. Gretta looks up at him, her eyes glossy. Something about her seems subdued, as if Peanut is the only force in existence who can control her. She is fire, burning bright and fierce, and he is water, calm and soothing. She utters only six words, but they are enough to make June's whole world crash into millions of tiny pieces like a shattered mirror. Nothing would ever be the same after Gretta's loving whisper: "Only in your arms, Peanut. I never want to leave."

(A/N time/qotc)

hiiii, here's new chapter bc we're finally together. Sorry it took so long, oh my gosh. Any way, my points still stand about the what you want for 5k reads/requests/possible oneshot book in the future. Also it would be really hilarious if we got danny gonalez or kurtis conner to react to this story, so if you have a twitter then i mean???? help some sisters out???? idk, maybe lmao.

Question of the chapter: Who is your favorite character in the story???

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