The Awakening

390 13 1


(June POV)
I awoke from my slumber, my tired emerald eyes taking time to adjust to the blinding sunlight.

I looked around curiously, realizing that I did not recognize my surroundings. The world around me seemed altered, as if I were in a dream. A distant voice called out my name.

"So you've finally returned, June."

I thought I knew the voice. I looked up, and saw someone familiar. He had brown fur covering the entirety of his body, and the same green eyes I've known for so many years.

I stared deeply into his piercing green eyes, and smiled. " Peanut." I whispered to him. I ran to him, my arms extended for an embrace. Before I could feel his soft fur against my skin-

I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing deeply.

"It was just a dream." I spoke sadly, feeling a longing emptiness in my heart.

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