5k Q&A

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We hit 5k reads! thank you sooooooo much. This is honestly really wild, wow. I never thought this would happen. I remember the first three reads this story every got and being so excited people were reading this. Five thousand reads is insane. Yall are insane. But we love you nonetheless!

In order to thank you all for this momentous occasion, we decided to conduct a character Q&A, where you can ask the characters questions.

Oh! A quick thank you to our lovely askers...






From always-a-possibility : For Steve, are you okay, man? We haven't seen you in a while, kinda worried...

For Gretta: Is it hard being so badass all the time?

Steve: Yes, I am alright. Thank you for asking and I appreciate your discomfort that I am not present most of the time. I am working on certain things, certain plans. These plans will no doubt benefit Wonderland. There you go, now you don't have to be worried.

Gretta: Ugh, you have NO IDEA! It honestly depends... Sometimes it just comes to me! But other times I really have to push through all of my real, deep-down emotions. Either way, it doesn't really matter. I am who I am, and I do love myself. Sometimes myself isn't enough, though, sometimes I need someone to love me, too...

From the-pimp-coat : For Peanut, canonically, do you know my main man?

Peanut: Your... main man? This question is very vague, you must be more specific. I suppose, to answer your question, I don't know him. I only know June, Gretta, Boomer, and the twins. Maybe you could say I know those who visited my park once upon a time, but only from a distance.

From JessicaParrish1 : Soooooo How is everyone doing, Boomer still baking, Greta still being jelly (lol jk jk)?

For Peanut: How did you feel when you met the girl who created wonderland? What were your feelings about everything?

For June: How did you know that you were in love with Peanut?

Boomer: I was baking? Huh, must've been in my sleep, because I have no idea what you're talking about.

Gretta: Guess what? I don't think you're kidding! I am not jealous! How dare you?! Just because I know Peanut is meant for me and not the puny human, that doesn't mean I'm jealous! Perhaps a little annoyed at the both of them, perhaps a little hurt, but not jealous.

Peanut: I felt... amazed. In awe. She was beautiful. Her creations were beautiful, her and her mother's. I miss those first days, when everything was so simple, so happy. But that doesn't matter! Today is a great day, you know why? Because we're alive, I'm alive! I am just as happy-pappy as I used to be, I've just grown up a bit. I still feel the same things about my June as I used to.

June: I knew when I leaned in close and told him to build me a slide out of bendy straws. He did it without hesitation, and I knew he trusted me. He gave me a longing look before I left wonderland that first time... and I knew that I would come back to him, and we would stay strong together. Thanks for asking, this was very fun to answer, and is honestly one of my favorite things to talk about!

These next questions we got from our inbox, not the comment section.

From June138 : For Peanut: Are you still a freak? (wink wink fsop)

For Gretta: Why do you hate June so much, do you really think you have a chance with Peanut?

For Boomer and the twins: Whose side are you on, exactly?

For June: Do you have any secrets?

Peanut: I.... um.... *laughs nervously* *Looks away uncomfortably* *blushes* I don't, uh, I don't know what you - what you're talking about!

Gretta: I don't think I have a chance with Peanut, I know I have a chance with him! He's mine! He was mine before her, he's mine now, and he'll be mine after she's gone! Because she will be gone, believe me, she'll run home to her sick mommy once again, and she'll forget all about Peanut! And we'll be together again, happy and safe, just like before. And I don't hate June... I just... greatly dislike her attempts to steal my lover from me. And she's annoying. And full of herself. Truly, I do miss when we used to be friends. But she's brainwashed Peanut, and I believe that I am the only one who can wake him.

Boomer: I don't get involved in girl drama, so for the June/Peanut/Gretta thing, I can't help you there. They're all my friends, and I wish them the best! As for Peanut vs Peanut's kidnapper, obviously I'm on Peanut's side! I hope we find his kidnapper and beat him into the ground!

The twins/Cooper and Gus: We don't take sides or get involved in girl drama, either. As for the Peanut situation... we're not around much. We don't know the details, sorry.

June: Not that I know of!

From Sooners18: For Peanut: How do you feel about what you did to Gretta in the last chap?

Peanut: I feel so sorry. I didn't mean for her to hear. I wish I could have broken in to her in a more gentle way, but at the same time, would I have been able to? Don't tell June, but I fear I still have feelings for the bright warthog. When she rescued me... I may have felt something. But I love June more as of right now, I know that for sure. I just... why must love be so complicated? I feel so horrible.

And there we have it! All of your current questions have been answered! If you've got any more, comment them below and we'll answer either in the comments or in the next chapter, whatever works.

I can't believe we hit 5k reads, yall. Thank you so much, oh my gosh. I feel like I can't say it enough.

Goodbye, rats and chicken strips, and remember to check out those who asked us questions!

Current amount of reads!: 5,013

EDIT: I accidentally published this to the ship exposure book and then when I copied it over here it wouldn't let me tag our askers, so we'll see if it lets us now. If it doesn't we'll figure something else out.

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