Birthday Surprise (Part 2: The Answers)

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(Before I start, I'd like to thank these people:

Karksickle_PopTheMemeLord5245June138, and Sooners18)

Now, we begin!

From Karksickle_Pop: 1. When did you start writing?

                                              2. If you were in a situation like this, what would you do?

                                              3. What's your favorite animal?

1. We started writing as a whole a year ago on this exact day. One of us has been writing since 2017 in her freetime. But as in terms of putting stuff out for other people to read? June 22nd, 2019 was when our journey began.

2. I assume you mean what I'd do if I were June. This answer will depend on canon events, which doesn't include the encounters June and Peanut have in either of the F.S.O.P.'s. If I were June I would probably leave right after realizing Greta was crazy, and learn to move on from Peanut. 

3. We all share a strong love for dogs. 

From TheMemeLord5245: What inspired you to start writing?

Wonderpark was a great movie, and we noticed the obvious chemistry between Peanut and June in the ear-whisper scene and the scene where June is leaving Wonderland, and we decided that we should make a fic, since no one else had made one yet! We also wanted to sort of bring out or 'begin' the fandom. That's what inspired us to create this account and start writing, and the other stories came naturally. 

(These next two we got from our inbox)

From June138: Are y'all okay?

Not in the slightest, thank you for asking! (We're safe and healthy though, and that's all that matters) 

From Sooners18: Do you ever regret writing this story?

Big time, but also never. I think I regret the first few chapters because they're really short, but I'm proud of what we've turned the story into. However, I do majorly regret fsop and fsop2, but I love them dearly at the same time. Don't worry about it, nothing's going to change.

Love you guys, you rats!

If you have any more questions, or if you missed the q and a when we posted it, comment them down below and I'll answer them in the next chapter when I see them. 

Bye and thank you again!

Sweet WhispersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora