Gentle Seduction (The Final Chapter)

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(June's pov)

"Yes! Yes, I will marry you!" She laughed, throwing her arms around her monkey lover's neck. He gave a delighted laugh in response. "Oh, Peanut, of course I'll marry -" June winced. The beeping was getting louder now, faster. A female voice said in June's mind: June, Junie, I'm so sorry, oh honey, I'm so -

"Darling?" Peanut asked, snapping June out of her panic. She tried to give him a lazy smile. He seemed to buy it, because he smiled back. "Just wait to see what I have in store for you, baby," He said, pulling out a blindfold and putting it on himself. "Tonight, I'll do whatever you want me to do. Just tell me and it's done." He said lustfully. June licked her lips. She adjusted herself to get more comfortable, but felt herself slipping off of the side of the branch. Peanut, quick as lightning, tried to grab onto her arm, but she was falling too fast from too great a height and his senses were hindered by the blindfold.

"I love you, Peanut!"  She screamed, just in case she didn't survive the fall. 


June awoke with a gasp, surrounded by white. She was in a hospital. She had survived the fall. "Where's Peanut?" She asked frantically, hoping her new fiance was alright. "He's right here, Junebug," Said a kind voice. June looked around. A human voice. A stuffed monkey was pressed into her arms. June stared down at it. it was small and brown, and in place of bright green eyes  were little black buttons. June's eyes began to water.

"Junie, you're awake!" Gasped a woman's voice - the one June had been hearing in her head recently.  Her mom! Her mom and her dad! She had never felt so relieved. "I'm so glad you're in Wonderpark with me!" She smiled. Her parents shared a look.

"Yes, honey, we'll be able to play that soon," June's mom said kindly. June tilted her head. "Soon? We're in Wonderpark,  Mom. See? I got put in the hospital because I..." June trailed off, deciding not to reveal to her mother how she fell out of that tree, "because I fell out of a tree! Peanut tried to catch me, but -"

"June, honey, you're in the hospital because you were in a coma." June's mom said.

June froze and her eyes widened.  No. No, that couldn't be possible - No. She was in Wonderpark with Peanut and Gretta and Steve and Boomer and the twins and -

She realized her mother looked perfectly healthy. She was no longer sick, and there were no bags under her eyes. How long had June been out? 

"Months," Her father answered, seeming to read her mind, "Several months." He said sadly. "You missed your own twelfth birthday." June's mom agreed. 

June shook her head. "I - No. No, that can't - I couldn't have - Mom, we're in Wonderpark! I was older and I was on a tree with Peanut and we were going to get married and -" June cut herself off, feeling the tears start to come. Her father rubbed her back, but he looked worried. Her mom even more so. 

"We should let in Banky, maybe someone your own age can help you understand..." June's mom trailed off.

Banky came in and June's parents left.

(switch to first person pov)

"Hi, June!" Banky greeted, brown eyes filled with relief. "Banky," I said, knowing he would latch onto my every word, "help me convince them. I promise I know the truth. I wasn't really in a coma, I fell off a tree and we're in Wonderpark and Peanut is going to come by any minute and -" 

"Whoa, June, you're talking way too fast. And... you were definitely in a coma. I visited you every day, hoping you would wake up. They were about to pull the plug on your life support when you woke up." He said. 

I couldn't fathom this, I would never see my true Peanut again. Never see Gretta and Steve's wedding. Never hug the real Boomer ever again. I began to cry harder.

"No! This isn't true!" I shouted. "This can't be! We have to be in Wonderpark, Banky, we have to!" 

Banky looked at me incredulously. At this point I was beginning to question my own sanity. No, I rid myself of such ridiculous thoughts and turned to look at Banky. 

"June, you're unwell-" Before he could let out another word, I interrupted him. I could feel my pulse pounding in my temples. My grip on reality was loosening as my own mind had started to betray me. This splitting headache, it was much too painful to bear. I found myself succumbing to the clutches of darkness. 

The next time I awoke, four doctors and one short old man stood before me. On either side of me were my parents. I wished Peanut and Gretta and the others were here. Where were they? Why wouldn't they come to me when I needed them? I looked down at the stuffed animal in my hands and inwardly scoffed. Ha. That wasn't the real Peanut. I pretended to be asleep so I could hear what they were saying.

"-iels's home for the unwell. Hopefully, since she's so young, she won't have to go for long, but..." The old man was saying. One of the doctors stopped him. "From what the parents and that other kid said, I really don't think she'll have a short stay, Dr. Daniels." He said. Doctor Number Two, a female, made some noises of agreement. 

"But she'll get better there, right? No more thinking she's in Wonderpark?" My father asked cautiously. Dr. Daniels sighed. "Hopefully, but there are no promises. She is damaged, I won't lie -"

"No!" I screamed, jumping out of the bed. "No, you don't understand. Peanut and Gretta are going to walk in at any time and then you'll see! You'll all see!" I cried. "And - And Steve. he'll attack you. You have to believe me, because it's true! Mom, Dad, all the things we played? We're in those games!"

It was as if all of the adults in the room sighed at once. "Honey, for the last time -" "NO!" I screamed again. "I won't believe you! I - I can't! Because it's not true! We're in Wonderpark, we are!" 

"Junie, calm down, please," My mother said gently. I shook my head, coughing and wheezing and all around unable to breathe. I felt something hit my neck.


I fell asleep, knowing I would wake up and everything would be right again. "It's been an hour, Junie. And before you ask, no, it wasn't Steve. It was a tranquilizer." My mother said calmly. I realized it was just the two of us in the room. No doctors, no weird old man, no Dad.

"Mom, you believe me, right?" I whispered. I could see heartbreak in my mother's eyes, and knew the answer. 

"There's this man, he's a really nice man, I promise, Junie." My mother said kindly. She gave me a sad smile. "He runs a home for unwell people, people who are... having trouble mentally. The doctors thought it would be good for you to spend some time there, and your Dad and I agreed. We think it would help, especially since this whole experience is traumatic. You went into that coma almost immediately after I came here, when you left that math camp trip all those months ago." My mother said.

No. No, this couldn't be right. She wasn't really going to send me away... was she?

She gently opened the curtain and I looked out the window of my hospital room. It was nothing like the view I'd seen last night. The sky outside was bleak and gray, the grass dead. Parked on the curb I saw one of those old-fashioned carriages they used in the movies to take people away into asylums, printed with the words 'Doctor Daniels's Home for the Unwell'  on the side of it.

I gasped.

She really was going to send me away.

Just then, the doctors burst into the room, and they dragged me, kicking and screaming, into the carriage. I said a final goodbye to my parents and Banky, pleading for them to get me out and to listen, but the carriage was already zipping away.


Okay, the end!

Final Author's note will be in the next chapter <3

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Sweet WhispersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora