Chap. 28 (Fireworks Aftermath)

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The team was gathered a few days later in the cave of Mount Justice. With them were Batman, Flash, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Shazam, Hawkman, Red Tornado, and Red X. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) flying around and using his ring to carry heaving furnitures helping refurbish the old hideout.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary for the Justice League." Batman walked down the lined up team, "We're calling it into service again since you five are determined to stay together and fight the good fight." He glares. "You'll do it on League terms." He turned to face the League members, "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor." Introducing the red Robot hero. "Black Canary's in charge of training." Next introducing the sonic voice heroine. "Red X will act as your advisor to help you work more as a team." Lastly introducing the Skull faced hero, Red X greets the team with a two finger salute.  "I will deploy you on missions." He faces toward the teen heroes.

"Real missions?" Robin asked in his civilian clothes and sunglasses hiding his eyes from revealing his identity.

"Yes, covert missions." His mentor clarified.

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff." Flash added, "There's a reason we still have these big targets on our chest." He pointed on his logo.

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter." Aquaman stated, "Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly."

"The six of you will be that team." The Dark Knight states.

X-mite looked at Batman in confusion, "Wait, six?" He too was dressed in civilian clothes but he wore sunglasses hiding his eyes and a huge turtle neck collared jacket hiding half of his face.

Batman looked over their heads and they turned around to see Martian Manhunter walk alongside a younger martian female. "This is Martian Manhunter's niece, Miss Martian." Batman introduces.

"Hi." The girl gave a short wave.

"Liking this gig more every minute." Kid Flash, he too wore civilian clothes but wore nothing to hide his identity, whispered to Robin before stepping forward. "Welcome, I'm Kid Flash." He then hand gestures introducing the team members. "And that's Robin, Aqualad, and X-mite, but it's cool if you forget their names."

X-mite chuckled and stepped forward. "Like Kid Flash said, I am X-mite, welcome. Sorry about him. You'll find most dudes here to be guided by their hormones, him especially." He says, thumbing back towards Kid Flash.

"Hey!" The speedster offended by the comment.

"I am honored to be included." The female green martian replied with a smile.

"I'm glad to welcome you." X-mite leaned in and whispered, but was heard cleary by everyone. "I mean it. This team could use more girls." He started gaining a laugh from the Martian.

"No kidding." Kid Flash stated zooming next to turtle neck collared hero.

"Not for that reason." X-mite elbowed the speedster as Robin and Aqualad stepped forward.

Robin noticed the clone stayed behind. "Hey, Superboy!" He waves, "Come meet Miss M." Listening, Superboy comes up to them.

Miss Martian turned the white of her shirt to black matching Superboy's shirt, "I like your T-shirt." She said, gaining a small smile from the clone, then Robin elbows the clone and Kid Flash comes in slinging his arm over the shoulders.

"Today is the day." Aqualad said looking proud at his new friends and now teammates, that fights together against the Evil and Injustice.

Red X watches the exchange with nostalgia, he was reminiscing the time when the Teen Titans first met and founded. He couldn't help but look at the group overlapping the images of his teammates with them, it was like he have time travelled back in time and reliving the moment but from an outsiders perspective. X-mite looks back at his older counterparts, he meets the gaze of the younger counterparts. Under the mask and the collared jacket both were smiling, happy for this occasion. He prayed in his heart none of them dies young, he swore that he would do everthing he can to help the newly created this world's version of the Teen Titans.

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