Chap. 29 (Welcome To Happy Harbor)

922 34 13

JULY 17 23:16 PDT

At the port a group of mysterious and dangerous men opens the doors of the crate and drags out the item they were about to steal until they were interrupted by a small explosion making some knocked out, the canister the source of the explosion rolls up to a foot. A heavily muscled man in a suit dressed like a gangster or a mafia takes out a gun, the gun glows as the man points up searching until he stops at a figure standing on top of the metal pillars. He sees that it was the local sidekick hero of the city, Speedy. "You again!" He growls. "I'm started to get insulted that it's not Green Arrow that's not interrupting my operations personally." He starts shooting at the hero but dodges the shots and even shots back at him ruining his suit. "Do you know how hard it is to get suits in my size!" He shouts in frustration seeing his tattered suit. "Scorch the earth boys." He orders his men but his men and their weapons were taken down one by one.

A figure in yellow runs past them with super speed knocking one out, Kid Flash. Another figure dressed in red and yellow while the other figure in black but glowed yellow green, Robin and X-mite, zips past the criminals on a cable line crackling as they knock off some of the weapons with their boomerangs, the two disappears behind the crates but another two figures shows up taking the two's place. One started to glow around the arms and produced a blade made out of water, Aqualad jumps down and attacks the men. While the other dressed in all black but most noticeable feature was the white skull helmet with a red x, Red X too jumps down and attacks the men with a bo staff and send out a multiple of glowing giant red x making it capture the men and sticking them into place to prevent them from escaping.

The leader of the operation crouches down and with his strength grabs the ground and lifts off a part of the pavement and start throwing it at Speedy, the hero dodges and sends back an explosive arrow, the arrow explodes on the criminal but had no affect. Growling in irritation, the criminal throws another piece of pavement at the Star City hero but was interfered by Aqualad slicing the flying object into two with his glowing blades, Speedy sends another arrow at the criminal releasing a gas causing the criminal to cough.

"The cave is perfect." Aqualad turns to Speedy, releasing his powers making the glows and blades disappear. "It has everything the team would need."

"For Convert!" Robin exclaims joining the two from behind, jumping down from his grappling cable. "You know for spy stuff!"

"Like secret agents!" X-mite exclaims jumping down from a higher stacked crates with Red X following behind.

"And wait till you meet Superboy and Miss Martian!" Kid Flash runs up the crates joining the group. "But I saw her first." He warns calling dibs on the alien girl.

The criminal leader lifts another piece of pavement and growls as he throws it at the group of teen heroes. Seeing the action, the heroes scatters into action. Aqualad slices the thrown weapon, Speedy sends more explosive arrows at the criminal and the criminal does staggers every time the arrows explodes but still have no affect on him. The criminal laughs at Speedy. "Tell Green Arrow that he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job." He taunts the young hero of Star City. Speedy takes another arrow and aims, the criminal smirks he raises out his arms showing that he wouldn't do anything. "Go ahead." Speedy releases the arrow and hits right in the middle of the chest, the arrow releases a red substance that slowly grows covering the criminal trapping him inside.

Kid Flash speeds next to Speedy. "High density polyetheramine foam, nice!" Impressed by the technology of the weapon, giving a thumbs up.

Robin leaning against the crate. "So Speedy, you in?" He asks hoping for a yes.

"Pass." Speedy glances at the young Gothamite hero. "I'm done having Arrow and the League telling me what to do." His tone slowly changes into a frustrated hiss. "I don't need to a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang around with other kids." He glared in disappointment. "Your junior Justices League is a joke." He dissed the idea of the team. "Something to keep you busy and in your place." He growls, walking away but he shortly stops seeing Red X standing before him. Feeling even more frustrated and a bit of betrayal from the darkly dressed hero, thinking that the hero would understand him and maybe just maybe join him. "Tsk." Clicking his tongue, turning away from Red X and continues on. "I don't want any part of it." He growls disappearing into the shadows.

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