46. Best Gift

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I get up from the bed and make my way to the porch

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I get up from the bed and make my way to the porch. It's finally as dark outside as it is inside me.  I enjoy nights, even though that's the time when my dark thoughts are the loudest. They never give me a break, but especially at nights they don't want to leave me alone and I can't sleep because they keep tearing my mind and heart apart. But I'm used to staying up all night and waiting for dawn to rise in her beautiful pink color that once was my favorite.

Now I'm sitting on the porch and watching the stars. I wonder if some of them are my mom. Can she see me? Can she see how desperately I need her to be down here with me and not so far away somewhere between the stars? Can she see what a man did to me? I didn't believe her when she tried to warn me how cruel they can be. I was an idiot. Correction I'm still an one. No, I was naive, believed in everything and everyone. I thought that all people were good, that evil didn't exist. Oh, how wrong was I.

I close my eyes and I assume I must've dozed off. But some noise wakes me up from my little and short reverie.

"Shh, go there".

I open my puffy eyes which I didn't bother to fresh up or put some make-up on them. I rub them and wait until the fog disappears and they adjust to the darkness. I see a black shadow in front of me, wrapped in the darkness, unrecognizable. 

"Happy birthday!", it yells. It took me a moment to realize it was Myles. He jumps on me before I have time to process what's just happened.

"H-how do you know?", I stutter. He pulls away from me and frowns when he sees my red eyes.

"It is not important. It matters that it is your birthday!" He seems more excited than I am.

"Well, it is almost over", I say, my voice barely audible and raspy from all the sobbing in that reeky room where my demons locked me.

"Come on!" He jerks me. "You have to celebrate it!" I shake my head. " And I do not accept no as an answer. I have a gift for you." He pulls something from his pocket. I stand, trying to see what is that shiny thing. And when I do, I gasp and search for his brown eyes. "I know how much you love the stars."

He gestures for me to turn around so he can put a beautiful golden necklace which is more like a choker with tiny and shiny stars all over it, on my neck. I pull my hair and with a second he puts it, his fingers not brushing my skin. It is like he knows. He knows that I'm still afraid of him because he resembles .... But he is okay with it and is trying to help me forget it. Like he is not coming back. But, let's not think about bad things for one night.

This, this precious gift he gave me just changed everything that made me scared of him. When I look into his eyes, his brown eyes which are glowing they no longer remind me of his emotionless brother. This is him. This is Myles Styles and he is not Christopher. He can never be. He can never be a devil, because this gesture, everything he has been doing for me since I arrived here is the gestures of an angel. And every day he keeps showing me that. Until one day, I hope I could erase his brother and see only him. Only Myles. And it just started. Process of being able to look at the twin brother and not seeing the other one, who hurt me, but the one he cares about me enough to punch and report his own brother in order to keep me safe. 

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now