Ch.26 ZRL

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Zach's pov

We walked back into the bar and into the VIP section.We walked in handing hands and the highest smiles plastered on our faces.Ari and AJ jumped up.

"Where have you been?"Ari asked.

"Um,we went to the grave yard and-"Frankie paused for dramatic effected.

"And!?!"Aj said.

"And where engaged."Frankie finished.

Ari and AJ's faces fell.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"Ari screeched and hugged as.Aj pated my back and congratulations where passed around.

"Ok,but for real,where not telling anyone on Twitter or anything,not until I move up here later this month.Im going down to Florida,taking care of things down there and then when I get back where going to tell everyone,but until then NOT A WORD to anyone."I said.

"Promise."Aj said.


I went back to Florida and I told Mom,dad,and Payton about the engagement and mom girled out Payton said 'cool...did you bring me food' and my dad teared up a bet.I asked mom if she would help me pick out a ring and she freaked out and dragged me to Kay's right then.We looked and looked but I couldn't find that one.Frankie found and apartment and was moving and I was packing up my room.I was so excited when I found It.The perfect ring for Frankie.I knew he would love it,but I had to think of an cool way to give it to him.I wanted him to know I had it but had to wait to have it.I thought about just calling him and telling him I had it but that's no fun.I waited until the day I was driving back with all my stuff.I took the ring out of the black box and held it in between my thumb and index finger.I pulled my phone out and snapped a pic of it.I quickly typed out a tweet.


It's waiting for you when I get back #ILoveYou #WellYouMarryMe #Please #ZankieWedding #DontBeAFrootLoopDingus

I tweeted it and my phone exploded it.Oh ya...they didn't know yet.Opps.Oh well.My mom came in a hugged me.

"That was soooo cuuuute."Mom cheered.

"Ok,i love you but I got to start driving or I'll be out all night."I told her.

We all shared giant hugs and I headed out.I got out of Florida and my phone was still exploding.My phone went off with a tweet that set my heart up.Short words but life changing ones.


@rancypants .......yes!

I put my head against the head board put my phone on my chest and took deep breaths.I had drove for awhile but I pulled over when I was about an hour away so I could do a ZRL.I pulled into a gas station and started to tape on my laptop.

"Hello!My Zacharoos!What up.I just couldn't get the idea to explain some more about the hole post earlier.So um ya tweet me if you want me to call Frankie for the first time right now?Um until then,Ill explain a little."I said.I took a deep breath."Ok,so on New Years I found out Frankie can't have kids...I got upset and went to the graveyard...long story short I asked Frankie to marry me and he said we...well I didn't technically asked the right way so We I get back in going to one knee awsomeness and I want all you guys to watch so let's go."

I jumped back into the car and set my laptop on the dash and pulled out.

"Ok I'm going to call Frankie.NO ONE TELL HIM ABOUT THE LIVE CHAT OR IT WILL RUIN EVERYTHING."I told them.I pulled out my phone and called Frankie I put it on speaker phone.

"Hello?"Frankie answered.

"Hey baby."


I couldn't help but giggle and smile at the camera.

"I love you to baby."

"I LOVE YOU!Where are you?"

"I'm about two hours away."I said then shucked to the camera."I got one to match."

"I can't wait for you to give it to me."

"I know.I love you so much and I can't wait to see you.Hay in getting on to the high way so I'll see you in a bit."

"Good I got a surprise for you.It metal and-"

I turned red and took frankie off speaker phone.

"Ok babe I love you."

I hung up the phone.I was bright red.

I cleared my throat"Sorry about that....Ok I'm almost to AJ's and I'm going to get AJ and he will video tape will I officially ask Frankie to marry me,and you all are going to see it live!"

I drove for a bit and then I got to AJ's and I explained and we drove to Frankie's and I's apartment and nocked on the door.AJ stood by the door so Frankie wouldn't see the laptop.I smiled at the camera and then the door open.Frankie smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck and smashed our lips together.

""Frankie said between kisses.

"I love you too,but baby I got to ask you something."I told him,he raised his eyebrow and I pulled him off of me and stepped back.I feel to one knee and Frankie covered his mouth with one hand.I reached in my back pocket and pulled out the black box and opened it.I liked up into those beautiful eyes and knew I did something right."Frankie James Marchione Grande,I love you more then ANY one in this world.Baby,well you marry me?"I asked.

"Yes!Now kiss me!"Frankie yelled.I slipped the ring on and Frankie pulled me up and kissed me.I smiled and looked at AJ.

"You get that Zankie's?Your ship is Canon!"I cheered.Frankie giggled and kissed my cheek."Ok,Its celebrating time."I said.

"Yep,I got a surprised for you."Frankie smiled walking into the apartment.I smiled.

"Shhhh,Im getting lucky."I whispered to the camera.I winked and ended the video.

"Ok,Im heading home,Have fun."AJ said handing me my laptop."Hay and congrats bro."

AJ walked down the hallway and I headed inside.I shut the door.Frankie was standing by two boxers stacked on top of each other.

"Hi baby."I said walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist.I laid light kisses on his neck.

"Ok,give me your ring I want to put it on you."Frankie said spinning in my arms.I handed him mine and he slipped it on.

"Baby are you crying?"I asked.

"No."Frankie sniffled,whipping his eyes."I missed you so much."Frankie said.

"I missed you to."I told him whipping one of his tears,that had fallen,away.

"IV been thinking and,um,about us talking about waiting a couple months to start trying to have a kid."

"Ya?"I asked concerned.

"I don't want to."Frankie said biting his lip.

"What?Do you not-"

"No!God no,I was just thinking we could start now."Frankie cut me off.

"Ya,Of course!I can't believe your so eager."

"Trying's the fun part."Frankie said.

Frankie backed us up until I could feel the back of my knees hit the couch,and we fell back.Frankie pulled off my shirt and unzipped my pants.There was no going slow,not to night,not after what just happened.I needed this.After words Frankie plopped down next to me and we tried to beat hour breath.That's when it hit me.Im going to get pregnant.I'm going to have a baby and get married,all of witch I never thought I would do.I tried to calm myself but I was kinda freaking out,my mind was raising.Frankie through a blanket over us and we passed out.I dreamed of the many thing that could happen.What if we lose the baby?What if I can't have kids?What if something goes wrong at the wedding?But I also thought of the wonderful life we could have together and those thoughts blocked out the bad and filled my mind with the good.

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