Ch.22 morning sickness

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Zach's pov

I woke up to the sound of Frankie puking in the bathroom.The door swung open and Frankie curled up next to me."Sorry,baby,did I wake you?"Frankie asked weakly."Baby,you ok."I asked him."Fine just some morning sickness,but ill be a lot better if you hold me."Frankie said.I smiled then held him.He tucked up his legs and curled into a little ball."You just want to stay in this morning."I asked him."Ya....just for s bit.Its only 6:00."Frankie whispered."6!Damn.Oh well."I shrugged and rubbed Frankie's back."Iv brushed my teeth like 40 times Frankie moaned."Sorry,Want a blow job to make you feel better."I asked and Frankie raised his head to look at me."That's what got us into this in the first place."He moaned."No....this is what got us into this."I said rocking my hips into him.He moaned."God you hate me,torment me with sex when I can barely move."He moaned."Ok,how about this."I asked and rubbed his back.He rolled on to his stomach and pulled his shirt off.I sat back on his ass and poorer some oil on my hands and rubbed his back,he moaned."God,your so sweet."He moaned.I smiled.My hands got lower,and lower,as I rubbed his back until they where tracing his boxer line,he moaned when a couple off my fingers slid under the waistband. "What happened to sweet,non tormenting,boyFriend.?"Frankie asked."Come on baby,I can think of so many more things I could do with this oil."I whispered and he moaned."Zach,I really don't thing that I have the energy."Frankie whined."Please,Ill do all the work,Just lay back and relaxed."I whispered as my fingers slid around the waistband off his boxers and waited for the ok."Zach."Frankie whined.."Only if you don't shake the bed."Frankie said and I pulled his under where off and tugged mine down.I went slow just as he asked each trust pushing in and Dragging out for about 2 minutes.

"Ok,I change my mind,Move faster."Frankie whined below.

"Thank god."I whispered and quickened my paste.It wasn't much longer before it was over and I flopped down next to him in bed and connected our lips.Then Frankie slipped something.

"That's how you haft to do on our honeymoon."Frankie whispered then Dozed off....I didn't fall back asleep.

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