Ch.14 Zankie tributes

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Zach's pov

I went and spent a couples days with Frankie in New York,but now I'm back in Florida.Only one more day tell Zankieween!I can't wait,Its been exactly 2 weeks and 5 hours seance I last saw Frankie,Last touched Frankie,I just can't wait to hold him in my arms again.I sitting in my bedroom missing Frankie like crazy,so I decided to watch some of the Zankie tributes people sent me on Twitter.I watched a couple,but one really got to me.Its a couple songs mixed together.One is just a girl singing...

Don't worry just take my hand and and close your eyes.
I'll hold on to you tonight,,don't worry just close your eyes,and take my hand tonight.

And clips off me and Frankie to go along with it,then I changed to stay with me

I guess it's true I'm not good and a one night stand.but I still need love because I'm just a man.these nights never seen to go as planned I don't want you to leave will you hold my hand oh won't you stay with me because Your all I need.This ant love it's clear see,but darling stay with me.

Then the song changed again to you and I

I figured it out I figured it out from black-and-white seconds and hours maybe they had to take some time.
I know how it goes,from Wrong and right silence and sound,do they have a hold each other tight like us,do they ever fight like us.

You and I, we don't want to be like them we can make it until the end
Nothing can come between you and I not even the gods above can separate the two of us knew nothing can come between you and I.Oh you and I.

Then it changed again to a new song and I could fell the tears in my eyes.And it changed to Something I need.

I had a dream the other night.
About how we only get one life.
It woke me up right after two
Stayed awake and stared at you so I wouldn't lose my mind.
And I had the week that came from hell and yes I know that you can tell.But you're like the net under the ledge
But I go flying off the edge you go flying off as well.
And if you only die once I want to die with.
You've got something I need in, This world full of people there is one killing me.
And if we only die once I want to die with you


Then it played the rest off that song then switched to the next one.Im ready

You're feeling good
you're feeling right
across the floor and I'm already losing my mind.
Baby girl looking fine
watching playing and playing and playing these guys.
Catch my stare little smile tell me that you laying you're feeling the vibe.
Someday I'll be so damn sublime,
We'll arrive behind a hashtag sign.
I won't forget you but I may forget your name my lady...

I know what you think and when the bass starts ringing can you tell me when you're stoked the store what are you ready for tonight setting it on fire and will dance until a dumb in the dark

Then It cut to say something and that's when it hit me,the rest where funny,except stay with me was kinda sad but say something had our fight and it broke me.

Say something I'm giving up on you.
I'll Be the one if you want me to.
Anywhere I would have followed you.
Something I'm giving up on you.
And I am feeling so small.
It was over my head.
I know nothing at all.
And I will stumble and fall.
Still learning the love.
Just Starting to crawl.
Say something I'm giving up on you.
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.
Anywhere I would have followed you.
Say something I'm giving up on you.and I will swallow my pride.
You're the one that I love and I'm saying goodbye.
Something I'm giving up on you.
I'M sorry I couldn't get to you.
anywhere I would have followed you.
Say Something I'm giving up on you.
Say something I'm giving up on you.
Say something...

I broke down in tears and the video stalled with pictures then a clip of me.

I'll never forget you Frankie.

Then a clip I never saw before,Frankie sitting alone in the dark after he the hole thing with Victoria.He was starring at the memory wall.

I finally found you.

Then the words flashed on the screen.I was in tears and then I got a FaceTime from Frankie

F-Baby what's wrong?

Z-I just watched this Zankie tribute someone sent me and I got to me a little

I explain whipping tears away.

F-A little?

Frankie asked raising an eyebrow.

Z-Shut up it was sad.

I said whipping more tears away.

F-I can see that baby.Shhh,calm down baby,everything is fine I'll see you in a few hours calm down.

I smoothed.I took deep breathes then raised an eyebrow and look at him.

Z-Wait,what do you mean a few hours.

He froze.



F-It was supposed to be a surprise,but I got an earlier flight and I'm at the airport and I'll see you in a couple hours.

I couldn't fight the smile that appeared on my face.

Z-Good,you can watch this video with me and see what I mean.Your going to cry.

I joked and he smiled.

F-I bet.

Z-I love you.

I said shyly,because I felt like I meant it so much.

F-I love you to.I see you soon.

I smiled and we hung up.I only watched the video 5 times alone...then showed Payton....and mom...and dad...then watched it again...but then I had to go pick up Frankie from the airport.I can't wait just to hold him.I really think I love him,not just in a boyfriend way,but in a way I can't explain.I really think I could spend the rest off my life with this

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