Ch.19 Big Brother Scare

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The summer has come on fast.Big brother picked them up in New York and they where at the house a couple hours later.They found out that it was a Couple Teachers Vs Couple learner's.
The Teachers where the big brother 16 Veterans teamed up.


And the learners where fresh meat.


8 new be's Vs 8 veterans,16 houseguest to start another crazy season.

The game was played just like last time.The new kids where gone before they even had a chance,and the first Vet. to leave was the beautiful Amber herself.Zach was on edge,whit Frankies last minute,"where not having sex in the house."Idea.Its been to long.Cody and Frankie where playing pool and Zach was talking to Caleb,by the pool."So,whats going on dude,your acting like your ready to explode,or something."Caleb asked."Ya,im ready to fucking go home."Zach told him."Why?"Caleb asked.Zach leaned in."Because Frankie has this hole,"Where not having sex in the house."Idea is killing me.Its been fucking 9 weeks,nine fucking weeks of fucking light touches and spooning.I can't take it,I can't focus.All I think about is bending Frankie over the fucking pool table."Zach bitched."Damn bud,sorry.That sucks."Caleb said.Zach was shaking his leg,like crazy,just starring over at Frankie.

The first double eviction came and with it they said goodbye to Christian and Nichole.Leaving a very revengeful Hayden,who was blind sided.Frankie won HOH for the week.The second they where alone Zach jumped Frankie tackling him to the bed and kissing him hard.Frankie pushed him away and started giggling."Zach,what are you doing?"He asked."It's been 10 weeks off no sex I'm I'm over it."Zach said kissing Frankie's neck.Frankie pushed him off."Zach,we can't,our fandom would have it EVery where in 2 seconds."Frankie explain.Zach flopped onto his back."What if I win HOH next week and get them to turn the cameras off,for a couple hours?"Zach asked.Frankie didn't believe they would agree to it so he agreed.But later that night Frankie found himself graving Zach,needed him.Frankie flipped over."Zach....zach!"Frankie whispered."What?"Zach moans."I can't sleep."Frankie told him."Maybe it's because your talking."Zach smarted off."Zach I change my mind."Frankie whispered."About?"Zach asked,leaning up."About waiting something's telling me now."Frankie said and Zach raised an eyebrow,confused.Frankie connected There lips.Zach giggled and rolled over on top of Frankie."Frank,i don't have you know."Zach said against Frankie's lips."Its fine,now fuck me,I need it."Frankie whined and Zach was happy to comply.

The Next morning Zach woke up to the sound off Frankie puking in the bathroom.Zach jumped up to see if he was ok.Frankie walked out of the bathroom."Damn,you ok?"Zach asked."Fine."Frankie said.

It wasn't until after breakfast that they where all starting to really worry.Frankie was in the bathroom puking for the 5th time sense breakfast,he didn't even bother to try to eat.Zach,Cody,Hayden,and Caleb was all sitting at the table."God,I hope franks ok,maybe we should get a midic?"Caleb said."Maybe he has the flee or food poisoning?"Hayden added,there was a short moment of silence."Maybe he's pregnant?"Cody said.Zach's head popped up."He can't be pregnant,He won't let Zach bang him in the house."Caleb informed them."Who said it was Zach."Cody said with a smile then the boys laughed,except Zach,Zach swallowed hard.

Frankie was fine the next day so Zach didn't ask him about,if he was,you know.No life cared out normal for a couple days,but you know how BB works,nothing can be normal for long.

Before the veto drawling,they where all sitting on the couch.Zach wrapped around Frankie.Caleb in the Orange Chairs and Cody and Hayden on the other couch.The lights flickered and Zach sat up,letting go of Frankie."what the hell."Caleb said.Frankie screamed,and then the lights came back on.Frankie was gone.Zach freaked out."Where's Frankie!"Zach yelled.Julie came on the monitor.

"Houseguest,Frankie has hidden away something that we'll change the game it's your job to solve this retell to find it.Find the idem find Frankie.When the idem has been found,the winner off the veto will be crowned...and don't worry this was all Frankie's idea."Julie said then disappeared,and a retell appeared.

"Secrets are being kept,hidden away.Zach there's something you don't know hidden in a box.Search for the clue,that Frankie hid away,then maybe won day,It will be ok.its blue,and its the truth.Its closer then you think."

"What the hell does that mean."Hayden huffed."I don't want to go on a scavenger hunt for something we don't even know,what where looking for."Cody protested."I want to talk to Frankie right now!"Zach yelled.looking at the cameras."What the fuck does this mean.How are we supposed to find it,him,whatever."Caleb bitched.They sat there trying to tiger out what it is so they could figure out where Frankie would put it,but nothing good came to mind.After a wile off searching down stairs and out side,Zach resided to call it a night.He walked up to the HOH room and Flopped down on the bed.He decided to go brush his teeth.He was brushing when he looked down at the trash can.He noticed something wired.A 2 test pregnancy test box.He figured it was from one of the girls.He bent down with his tooth brush hanging out of his mouth and picked up the box.He opened it and saw the pregnancy test in it.I wrapped his tooth brush out off his mouth and spit in the sink.Zach threw his tooth brush down and read the back off the box.

Blue + sign = positive
Blue - sign = negative

Zach eyes widened as he remembered the retell.Zach fumbled around with the box thinking about weather to open it and see for himself.He walked into the HOH room and threw the box on the bed.He sat down next to it.After 10 minutes he picked up the box.He took deep breaths and held it up.He peaked his eye opened and saw a blank test an could help but sigh with relief.Frankie walked out of the Other HOH room.Zach ran up and hugged him and he had tears in his eyes that Zach rubbed away."What does this mean."Zach asked.Frankie swallowed."It means there only one test left."Frankie said pulling something from his pocket and holding it."Frankie,is that...."Zach started,and Frankie shook his head.Zach swallowed hard."Are you?"Zach started."I don't know I wanted to find out with you,we have 40 seconds before the times up."Frankie said.they sat on the couch and held hands.Frankie looked at the test.Zach looked at Frankie."What ever it says Frank,I love you no madder what,so...are we going to be dads?"Zach asked.Frankie smiled,then looked at the test."We've been dads for two days now,I just needed to here you say that first."Frankie said wrapping his arms around Zach's neck.Frankie handed him the test and Zach broke out with a huge grin when he saw the blue + sign."Im not even mad that you knew this for two days and didn't tell me."Zach said hugging him again.Zach Jumped up and pulled Frankie to the door."Come on we got to tell them."Zach held and Frankie giggled at his happiness,after spending two dads hiding this and wondering how Zach would take it and other unmentionable things,seeing Zach happy was worth it all.Zach pulled Frankie down stairs.Everyone was sitting in the living room,and jumped up to hug him."Frank,where have you been?"Caleb asked after everyone hugged and Where watching the happy grin on Zach's face."Why you so happy?"Cody asked."Because,Frankie took a test two days ago."Zach said."So.Wait when did they make you take a test?"Hayden asked."What kinda test?"Cody asked.Zach and Frankie looked at each other and smiled."You want to tell them?"Frankie asked,smiling."Tell us what?"Caleb asked.Zach smiled and reached in his pocket."Lets just say he got a +."Zach said then held up the test,and there Mouth dropped.followed by 10 minutes off congratulations,and hugs.It was perfect.You know as perfect as finding out your partner is pregnant and your stuck in the big brother house could be.Zach couldn't wait to get out off the house so he could go get a ring.

Zach was surprised how Frankie didn't start to show any baby wait until it was the final three.Zach,Frankie,Caleb.Thats when he noticed the small pouch Frankie had when he was Laying on the couch out side.Zach giggled and that got him a wired stare from Frankie."What?"He snipped."Nothing,just you look so cute with your little baby belly."Zach said rubbing Frankie's stomach."Ya,well it's your fault.Im going to get fat and then your not going to want anything to do with me."Frankie said then curled into a ball.Zach knelt down in front him and rubbed his back."Baby,your not going to get fat...and even if you do I would love it.It would be hot to see you all big a pregnant,like where a real family,now."Zach smoothed.And Frankie looked up at Zach,and laid straight again."I love you."Frankie said.Zach smiled a ran his fingers through Frankie's hair.Zach leaned down and kissed Frankie's lips."I love you too."Zach whispers to Frankie.Frankie smiled."And you."Zach said leaning down and kissed Frankie's stomach.Frankie giggled.And then where shit up by Zach's lips pressed against his own.It was sweet and patient....just like Frankie.

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