Ch.23 part 2 denial

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Frankie's pov

I slowly opened my eyes.I was laying in a hospital bed and Zach was passed out on the couch with his feet up on cody's lab and Caleb in a chair.Cody was eating candy and Caleb had chips.They didn't see me so I closed my eyes to make it seam like I was still passed out.I could here Zach snoring.

"Do you think he'll be pissed."I heard Caleb asked.

"I don't know that's a toughie.I would be at first know,you can't change it now.Even if you wanted to."Cody said.

What the hell are they talking about.I heard Zach couch and wake up.

"Zach,how are you going to tell him?"Caleb asked.

"Tell him what,that I'm the biggest asshole in the world and played god.That his life is over,you know I thought I would just right it in a txt,and be Far FarFAR away when that bomb goes off."Zach said.They laughed but it quickly faded.

"Zach,Im really sorry bud.This has to suck."Cody said.

"It's ok,we can make another baby,but we can't make another Frankie."zach said


"Did they say if it was a boy or a girl?"Caleb asked.

"They said it was to early on to tell at first but they....they ran a test and said it would off been a boy."Zach said and I had to hold back tears.What the hell happened.

"Sorry bro,Ill be right out side,let me know if he wakes up."Caleb said.

"Me too,you guys should be alone when you tell him."cody said.


I heard a pair of footsteps and I assumed Cody and Caleb left.I heard more foot steps then Someone sit next to me,kiss my forehead then hold my hand.I flickered my eyes open.

"Hi ba- hi sweetie."Zach said.

"Hi."I said in a raspy voice.I fluttered my eyes a couple off time then opened them all the way.I looked down and I was shirtless with wires hooked up to my chest."What happened?"I asked.

Zach had a tear roll down his cheek and he squeezed my hand.

"Zach....please...please,dont say it."I begged,tears rolling down my cheek.I wasn't stupid.I knew what happened.I just didn't want it to be true.Zach had more tears rolling down he cheek and he squeezed my hand.

"Baby.we...we"Zach tried whipping tears away.

"No,nonono."I urged."Zach!"My voice squeaked."Zach,baby,please please please,please!don't say it."I cried.Zach shook his head yes.And I yelled."No!!!!I cried dubbing over."Nononono.No!!!."I screamed,crying hysterically.I leaned over and Zach held me.I just kept repeating don't say it,and no.over and over again as we cried into each other's grip.I could feel Zach shoulders shake as he cried,he held on to me in a tight grip.

Cody's Pov.

I walked out of the door and sat down out side it with Caleb and everyone else in a small sitting area.I left the door cracked just a notch,just enough for us to see in.everyone was had tears in there eyes.Then we heard talking so we leaned over to peek trough the door and the small window,you could pretty mush she everything.You could here Frankie beg him not to tell him.Witch brought tears to everyone eyes.even mine.we heard Zach try to tell them witch made the tears start rolling for Zach's mom and dad.Frankie denied it saying no made tears flow from Payton,Nichole and Hayden and Christian.Frankie squeaking Zach name finally pulled it from his Nonna and mom.Me,Ari and Caleb held them back,just watching,with everyone else.Frankie begging saying please,and don't say it forty times pushed Ari over and she started to cry and put her hand over her mouth to silence her sobs.Caleb and I looked at each other and Caleb tears finally pushed over when you heard Frankie scream no then cry.He flinched then just let go walking into a comer and putting his hand on the wall.Everyone started balling but what push me over was watching them hold each other and cry,that made me cry like a little bitch baby.

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