Ch.7 Misunderstanding

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Skipping to the week Zach got evicted
Zach pov

Eviction night.Im not ready to say good by.I will miss no one other then Frankie.I can't believe this,it's all Derricks and Cody's fault,they turned Frankie against me.I didn't do it I swear,but Frankie's convinced.I might lose him over a stupid mistake,its was just a joke.Your probably really confused,let me explain,It all started the day before the veto.


I was sitting out side with Cody and Derrick,when Victoria bent down and picked something up and I whistled.
Derrick looked at me wired."What was that about."Derrick asked."Nothing, just like to tease her."I told him."Would you sleep with her?"Cody asked."Ya.I would totally nail that."I told him jokingly."What about Frankie?"Derrick asked."Who said Frankie had to know."I told them,and they looked at each other."You would cheat on Frankie?"Cody asked."It wouldn't be cheating,where not even dating."I told them,witch I'm my defense was true."Ya but you guy are Zankie."Cody told me."So."I told him.I was just joking,but they told Frankie what I said and then he put me up to be backed doored and didn't even tell me why.I walked up to him after words."Frankie what the hell?"I asked."Don't touch me!"He yelled and I was confused."what?"I asked.I can't believe where fighting in front of everyone."You know what!"He yelled."No I don't,what gotten into you?"I asked."What's Gotten into me,how about who you want to get in to!"He yelled."Wait,what?"I asked."They told me so don't dene it.They told me how you would sleep with Victoria and I would never need to know because where not dating,well Zach if that's what you truly want you just got it,I don't want to talk to you ever again,so go have Fun with Zictoria because Zankie's dead."He yelled with tears rolling down his face then stormed off to the HOH room and slammed the door.I was frozen,I couldn't move or think.I just stood there.I looked at everyone."You told him that,You know it was just a joke!"I yelled."Ya,but we saw an opportunity to get you out so we took it."Cody said.I'm levied.I stormed off.

End flashback

Ok so maybe part of it was my fault...fine it was all my fault and now I lost the best thing that ever happened to me.I tried to fix things but Frankie wouldn't talk to me.I was sitting there ready to walk out the door,when Julie came on the monitor.

"Houseguest its a tied vote,so Frankie please rise and cast your vote to evicted either Zach,or Christian."Julie said.

Frankie stood and looked me in the eyes,and I saw nothing but hurt,and betrayal.Being evicted is going to hurt regardless,but being single handily evicted by Frankie will kill me.Frankie stood up and took a deep breath,he looked over to Derrick and Cody and they had knowing eyes."I can't do it."Frankie signed."I vote to evict Christine."Frankie said.I can't Believe it.We all said our goodbyes and Christine left with boo's from the audience.We watch her picture turn black and white.I walked over to Frankie."Frankie,please."He looked over at me with his once life felled eyes to a now empty sight."This doesn't me I forgive you or that I ever will.."He took a deep breath."but doesn't mean you can't try."He said.We stood there for a minute."Im so.."I tried but Frankie cut me off by wrapping his arms around my neck."Sorry."I finished.I held on to him.I looked at Derrick and Cody who where smiling.Frankie leaned back and smiled and I could see some of the joy in his eyes return.""I tried but Frankie shushed me,cupped my neck in his hands."I love you."I told him,he quickly connected our lips.I heard a few girls aw,but I tuned them out. Frankie Broke apart."I love you to."He told me.I can't fight this felling that we're supposed to be together. "Frankie,this might seam sudden but I need to ask you something."I told him he looked confused."um,I know we where fighting just a few minutes ago and where in big brother and this isn't the most ideal place to ask this but I know that I care about you and ...."I rambled but Frankie just got more nervous."Um.."I took a deep breath."ok."I said.I steeped back held Frankie's hand."Zach?"Frankie asked concerned.I looked at everyone and there looked like they where going to freak out.I pulled up my pants and I got down on one knee."Oh God what happing."Frankie mumbled as I took his hand,I couldn't help but giggle.I looked at everyone then Frankie.I cleared my throat.Frankie looked at everyone confused,shocked,and a little scared.God know's where I was going with this.

"Frankie..well you...."

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