Ch.9 shower

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Zach Pov

I laid there covered in sweat.Frankie laid beside me,on his stomach,face the other way,covered in sweat too.
"Frankie."I started."Hmm."He said."That was."I said though my breaths.He turned his face to look at me,he had a huge grin on his face."I know,Im good."He said and I laughed.He leaned over and kissed me.Right as I was starting to get into it we heard.

"Zach please report to the diary room."

"UGH!"I huffed and Frankie kissed me again."Go Babe."He said.I sighed and jumped up,threw boxers on and headed down stairs.

Frankie Pov.

I jumped up and Walked into the bathroom.I turned on the water to the shower and climbed in.I Was watching my hair when I heard the HOH door open."Babe?"Zach yelled."In hear."I caked out.I rinsed my hair as Zach walked into the Room."Damn."He said walking into the room."What?"I asked."Nothing,just,you could have wait for me."Zach said and a smiled appeared on my face."You want to join."I asked.Zach Answered by sliding his boxers to the ground and climbing in.I wrapped my Arm around his neck and Kissed him,he slid his hands down my back to my waist.He pulled me in closer.We where making out when the bathroom door opened and Victoria walked in.Zach backed broke away put Kept his hands on my hips,and I kept mine wrapped around his neck.Victoria didn't say a thing just Grabbed something and walked out.Zach looked at me And I laughed.I reconnected our lips,and Zach spun us around his hair got wet,before her step out from the water and pushed me up against the wall.He started grinding his hips down on me,when the door opened again.I looked over and Cody Walked in,Grabbed something and walked out,but leftWe the door cracked."What the hell."Zach asked me.I looked through the crack in the doorway and laughed."There all out there acting like nothing's happing."I Told him."Are you joking,you can't really get Five seconds alone in this house."he said.I looked up at the camera."Nope."I said piping the p."So what do you want to do now."I asked."Well I would like to have shower sex,but I ant doing it with everyone in the next room over."Zach said."Good!"Caleb yelled From the room over.Zach reached his hand out of the shower and slid the door the rest of the way open."What are you guys doing."Zach asked."Placing bets."Derrick said."On?"I asked."If Zach's Bottom or top,we where only staying to find out,then we would have left."Caleb said."Oh,My,God you have officially lost your mind."Zach said plainly."Hay there's only so much you can do coped up in this house."Derrick said."So you place bets on weather I take it or give it."Zach said."ya."Cody said.Zach put his head on my shoulder."Sooooo."Cody says."So,what?"Zach asked leaning back."Witch one,I say bottom,Caleb says bottom,Derrick says top,and Victoria says bottom."Cody said.Zach reached out and shut the door."I knew it."Cody yells.Zach rolled his eyes."There not wrong."I say."Shhh,daddy."Zach says.I close my eyes and take a deep breath.I open my eyes."Dont start with me Rance."I warn."Please.They won't hear I'll be quite."He whispers in my ear."Can you be quite for me,can you be a good boy."I ask,he bits his lip and nods."Good."I tell him.

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