Ch.29 extremly short

187 2 2

1 year later

My heart stopped as I saw the two blue lines. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I couldn't believe it. Without thinking I placed my hand on my stomach. Is this real?

"Frankie." I called.

"What is it?" He asked walking into the bathroom. I spun around. "Hun you look sick as a dog." Frankie said. He looked down at my hand and froze."What's that?" He asked knowing exactly what it I held.

"Surprise." I said.

Tears filled his eyes."We're gonna have a baby?" He asked.

I nodded and a smile broke out across his face before he pounced on me leaving trails of kisses all over my face.


I know, I know it's short. I'm just having a hard time writing any of my stories right now. I'm ending a lot of them, just have faith.

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