14| Arrests flashbacks

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Chapter 14: Arrests flashbacks

I arrive at the hospital and straight to the receptionist. 

"Miguel Diaz, please." I tell her breathlessly. 

"Are you a family member?" she asks me clearly annoyed.

"Uh.. no, but-" I start.

"She's with us." Carmen cuts me off and I look at her with a huge smile, the receptionist nods and Calm motions for me to follow her. I follow her all the way to Miguel's room and I find him sitting there watching the T.V.

"MIGGIE!" I say happily and his face breaks into a smile. 

"Sof!" he says and I run to him. I hug him and he hugs me back. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. God I missed him too much. 

"I missed you so much! You don't even understand!" I tell him and he chuckles.

"You're choking me, Sof." he says fake coughing and I let go. I sit on the edge of his bed.

"I didn't bring anything..." I say.

"It's okay. I've been showered with gifts these passed few days." he answered and we both broke into laughter.

"So tell me. How are you feeling?" I ask him smiling. 

"Well as good as someone who woke up from a coma." he jokes and I laugh.

I look behind him and notice a purple card. "Who's that from?" I say grabbing it before he could stop me.

"Nothin-" he starts but I laugh as I read the card.

"'You octopi my heart' Who wrote that, don't tell me Tory did." I laugh but he doesn't.

"actually, Sam did." he says looking down.

"Sam? As in Sammantha LaRusso?" I ask him slightly shocked.

So she hasn't even bothered asking about Robby, who by the way is her boyfriend, but she's had time to do this?

"Yeah.." he says.

"Well that's cool." I tell him when my phone starts ringing and Daniel's name flashes.

"Gimme a sec." I tell Miguel and I answer the call, "I'm kinda in the middle of something." I roll my eyes.

"Can you meet me at the rehab, please?" he asks unsure.

"You mean the Malibu Canyon Recovery rehab?" I ask him confused.

"Yes, please?" 

"Um, sure. I'll be there in like a few." I say and hang up.

"Looks like I have to go." I tell Miguel.

"Already?" he says jokingly pouting.

"Yes. Work's calling Dahling." I say and he laughs.

We hug one more time and I take the time to breath in his smell, cause if there's one thing that him being in a coma and Robby being on the run taught me is that you never know when someone's about to go.

"I'll come back tomorrow." i tell him and he nods.

I take a cab to the rehab center and get inside. I get to the backyard where I find Daniel looking at Shannon speaking with someone in front of him a couple feet away.

"I'm here." i sigh.

"Go talk to Robby." he tells me and my eyes grow wide, it takes me a minute to realize that Robby is sitting on the chair opposite Shannon. 

Sofia LaRusso X Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now