22 | goldilocks

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Chapter 22: Goldilocks

"ready?" dad says smiling as we're all standing in the sun. 

I'm sweating, they better make this worth it, I hate the sun. I'm more of a cold weather person.

"lets begin!" Johnny yells.

they're funny, begin what exactly? 

everyone just looks at each other, "begin what exactly?" Demetri says confused.

I chuckle and dad starts talking, "let's begin a new era. we all used to be enemy, but with the tournament coming, we're joining forces as it makes us stronger. we know that cobra kai will be using every dirty trick in the book, but we will win -"

"by kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves." Johnny yells which makes me chuckle.

this is a mess.

"they strike first? we'll pre-strike!" Johnny says and I fight the urge to laugh.

"we're getting ahead of ourselves. we are going to respond to what they do."

"eagles don't respond! they swoop down and take whatever they want." Johnny continues. 

they're both saying completely opposite stuff, this is so stupid.

"okay line up!" 

everyone starts doing different things and I just stand there in the back. I wonder how this whole thing is gonna go down. I gotta say I'm intrigued and surprised Johnny and Daniel haven't tried killing each other yet. 

we walk towards the front yard where the cars are Daniel gives everyone wax and sponges.

"Sofia?" Daniel says.

"uh no." I say shaking my head, "what do I look like? your local child labor service?" I wait for a bit and then say, "well! this was fun while it lasted, but I got other things to do." 

"what?" sam says as I walk passed her.

"got a problem princess?" I say and then walk out.

I arrive by a little market in reseda and take a bottle of red gatorade. the cashier looks at me weird and I remember what happened the last time.

"I have money this time." I say checking my pockets for my wallet.

"on second thoughts, I'm not gonna buy anything." I say smiling awkwardly where the hell did I put this thing? 

"I'm not gonna steal either calm down." I say turning around and walking away. where the hell did I leave this stupid thing? 

then it hits me. the fight at the cobra kai dojo. shit. 

I skate to the dojo and debate on how entering that stupid dojo. 

I open the door and the bell rings. great. 

"what you doing here?" tory asks aggressively.

"don't want no problems. just lost my wallet here." I say and then walk around the matts. 

"Sofia LaRusso." Kreese says smiling. 

"I forgot my wallet here." I say annoyed by his face. 

he has such a punchable face, it's unbelievable. 

"ah yes, it's in the back room." he says smiling. 

it's unbelievable, everything is just messed up. first Daniel thinks I'm some sort of free child labor service and then Kreese is just getting on my nerves, it's just when I see his face I just want to-

Sofia LaRusso X Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now