Olivia Swan was the older twin of Bella Swan.
She was the life of the party.
She was a daddy's girl.
She brought smiles to the faces of everyone she knew.
Until a year ago, when something no one knows about completely destroyed her into a numb a...
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It all had happened so fast, yet everything felt like it was in slow motion as Jasper hastily thew her in the car with a sense of urgency.
"W-whats happening?!" Her sister stumbles over her words from the passenger seat as she shoves Edward's hands away from her.
Tuning them out she calmly turns towards Jasper, noticing his eyes were pitch black in fury and his fist were clenched in his lap. Hesitatingly, she finds herself placing her hand on his hand closest to her. Jaspers head snaps towards hers, looking like an untamed animal.
Edward watches from the rear view mirror all while trying to calm down his own mate, but he was worried for Olivia's safety if he was being honest. Jaspers thoughts were very vague but very loud.
'Protect her'
'Tear him apart'
It was beginning to hurt his head.
Olivia doesn't flinch though. "You need to calm down." She whispers, not wanting to interrupt her sisters small freak out party in the front of the car.
"He wants you. He wants you and your sister. He's not going to stop." He replies monotonously not sparing her even a glance.
Grabbing his jaw she turns his cold face towards her, forcing him to make eye contact. He couldn't help but soften upon seeing her small smile. "It's going to be okay." She says, being the semi optimistic one for once.
In truth he had seen a different side to her today, and he was furious that the nomads had ruined that. She was playful, only becoming guarded when someone stared at her for too long. But he could slowly see her walls coming down.
"He's a hunter, he won't stop until he's won." Edward tells the three, only receiving a deadpan glare from Olivia in response .
Jasper is quick to jump out of the car and gently drag Olivia along, if she thought about it she didn't think her feet even touched the ground until they were all inside the house.
Jasper and Edward both notice the dark skinned nomad before the two girls and they shove them behind themselves and bare their teeth in warning.
"Relax." Carlisle tries to ease the tension. "He came to warn us."
Olivia pops her head out from behind Jaspers build and raises a brow. "We all know your friend is a psychopath. No need." She sarcastically remarks.
Jasper has to stop himself from face palming as Edward tries to hide a small smile.
"James has gone too far. He is dangerous. This is no longer my fight, and the girl, Victoria. Do not underestimate her." He seriously states, ignoring the girls statement.
Olivia huffs and crosses her arm, once again being hidden behind Jaspers body. "Thank you for the useless information, Sherlock."
Sparing Olivia a curious glance the nomad is quick to leave after Carlisle's recommendation to visit their cousins in Alaska for a chance at living life differently.
Tapping Jasper on the shoulder he tensely turns around only to see her sporting a small pout and her head tilted in thought. "Will you take me to Alaska? I have heard it's beautiful there."
Jasper almost wants to laugh. When everything is normal and their isn't chaos in their day she wants to be stubborn and cold but when she's being hunted she's the softest he's ever seen her.
Placing a tender kiss on her forehead he mumbles, "I'll take you anywhere you want after this."
Clasping her hands together she puts her pointer finger on her chin. "Great because I was thinking Italy. The food looks delicious."
Jasper tenses but she doesn't seem to notice. "Come on, we need to meet the others in the garage." He mutters as she looks around just now noticing everyone had left.
Shrugging she follows him through out the house into the garage to see Bella sitting in the car with Edward leaning into it as Rosalie grumpily shrugs on a coat.
Olivia looks around in confusion, noticing this Jasper decides to fill her in. "Alice is going to take you and Bella away while we track the hunter."
Furrowing her brows she stares at him intensely. "You're not coming with?"
Concealing a smile he shakes his head. "He'll know that Edward and I would never leave you two alone. We're the first people he'll look to."
Nodding her head numbly she approaches the car with a cold face, her facade back up. Jasper sighs and follows her like a lost puppy knowing she's upset. She felt safe near him, and knowing he was risking his life to protect her and her sister made her feel horrible. Not that she would ever admit it.
Closing the passenger door of Alice's car she stares straight ahead ignoring her door being opened directly after by the man. Jasper stares at her with a frown. "Darling."
No answer.
Sighing he goes to kiss her forehead but she flinches away making him angry with himself for making her believe she had to put her walls back up again. But he didn't have a choice, and if it was between her being dead or angry he would choose the latter every time. "I'm sorry."
With an indifferent expression he backs up and closes her door softly simply staring at her as Alice places her hand on his shoulder in comfort.
"Protect her." Jasper says as everyone stared at him and Edward.
"With my life." Alice nods her head.
Holding his hand out Alice looks down to see Olivia's phone and a necklace of his from the olden days he would occasionally wear when he was feeling nostalgic.
He always had it under his clothing but Olivia noticed it one day and constantly fiddled with it whenever they hung out. And every once in a while he would get a tiny feeling of calm and safety, knowing it wasn't his own feelings he realized it was her own and that in itself made him feel more worthy of his existence.
It was a simple necklace made out of worn rope with a small rock intertwined from where he was from. There was nothing special about it.
Alice softly smiles in his direction and with out another word gets into the car and whips out of the drive way.