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"Are you sure you're okay?" Olivia eyes the blonde standing protectively beside her. She winces as she pushes her thumb into another crevice of the tree. Her mind slightly reels at the thought of getting an infection in a tiny cut on her finger because she's purposely rubbing it all over a tree. 

Jasper softly smiles at the worry in her voice. "Just fine, Darlin. But I think you're good to stop now."

Olivia pulls her hand away from the tree and moves her hand to wipe it on her jacket but Jasper grabs her wrist and pulls a cloth from his pocket, gently wiping the excess blood before placing a small bandaid over it. "You came prepared." Olivia muses. 

"My little human mate is using her blood to drive an army of newborns crazy, it hasn't left my mind since you so stubbornly decided to do so." He raises a brow at the mischievous expression crossing her face. 

"Well, one of us is fighting said army of newborns so I couldn't exactly sit back and do nothing now could I?" She huffs. 

"You could have." He mumbles under his breath. 

"What was that?" She places both hands on her hips and narrows her eyes at him. 

"Nothing." He half smirks. 

"Is all of my stuff up the mountain?" Olivia questions. 

"You mean the tent, the blow up mattress, the three blankets, extra clothes, and snacks?" He rhetorically questions in amusement. 

"How long are you planning on staying up there?" Paul questions, having just joined the pair. 

Olivia rolls her eyes. "Us humans are not immune to the cold and I am sure it will get boring up there, thus the snacks. While my sister lays in her tent feeling a rock poking her in the back it will be just like I was in my bed for me." 

"Well let's get going, a storm is coming tonight." Paul informs her. She nods and looks to Jasper with a small smile. 

"I'll be there as soon as I can." He promises. 

"I know." She nods and hops onto Paul's back, waiving at Jasper as he begins jogging away. "How's it going, Paulie?" 

"Oh you know, nothing much princess." Paul snorts. "Excited to tear some teeth into those blood suckers." 

"Do your teeth ever chip or breaK?" Olivia wonders. "Because vampires are literally made of marble."

He makes an odd face. "You think of the weirdest shit, Princess. None of us have ever lost a tooth, i'll be sure to ask if it every happens." 

"Hmm. Weird." She shrugs. "So whats your plan?" 

"I will stay with you on the mountain until your lover boy can join and then Seth will be joining you in the morning." 

The Story Of Olivia Swan| Twilight Saga SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now