Olivia Swan was the older twin of Bella Swan.
She was the life of the party.
She was a daddy's girl.
She brought smiles to the faces of everyone she knew.
Until a year ago, when something no one knows about completely destroyed her into a numb a...
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Paul had left a few hours after Olivia had fallen asleep to start patrol and it was now a little past midnight. She had woken up and gone down to the kitchen to grab a quick glass of water when she notices her twin sister had decided to do the same.
She tries to make it quick but Bella had other ideas.
"Olivia? Don't you think we should talk?" Bella shyly questions.
Olivia turns around to lean against the counter with the mug in her hands. "About what?" She shrugs with hooded eyes.
Bella's eyes widen in disbelief. "You knew wolves were real. How come you didn't tell me when I was worried about Jake?"
"It wasn't my business Bella." Olivia sighs in defeat. "You know that. If you had found out first instead of me you wouldn't have said anything either."
Bella slowly nods her head in acceptance. "Okay."
Olivia waits another moment to see if she had anything else to say and when the room stays silent she takes a step to leave the kitchen but Bella finally gathers the courage to speak. "Paul..."
Olivia tenses.
"Jake told me..." Bella looks to her sister with confusion and sadness written all over her face. "He's your imprint? Your soulmate?"
Olivia knew it was coming yet she couldn't stop her sharp inhale.
"But what about Jasper?" Bella rushes out, seemingly flabbergasted. "He's your soul mate!"
Olivia freezes.
"They're gone Bella." She whispers but Bella doesn't seem to be hearing her.
"What if he comes back and you're with Paul? What if the Cullen's are mad that we're with the wolves? What if they come back and leave because of it?" Bella seems to panic.
"They're gone Bella!" Olivia yells, anger clear in her tone.
Bella flinches back.
Olivia takes a deep breath to try and calm herself down.
"They're gone okay?" She sighs, rubbing her temple as she feels an oncoming head ache. "It doesn't matter if they come back because they left in the first place. And you know what? Paul... Paul is here. He's been here the whole time."
"Do you love him?" Bella questions, tears in her eyes.
Olivia looks to the ground in deep thought. "I love him."
"Like Jasper?" Bella pushes.
It's silent for a moment.
"I don't know exactly what I feel for Paul. I know it's safe, happy, and warm."
"And the Cullen's are none of those things?" Bella accuses.
"I don't know what's going to happen Bella." Olivia sighs. "But we need to take our lives off of pause, we can't keep waiting for them to come back when we don't know if they ever will."
"Is that why your not eating?" Bella snaps back, but not in a rude way. The situation as a whole was hurting her.
"I can't stomach anything." Olivia confesses.
"Are you sick?" Bella takes a step forward in worry.
Olivia takes a step back.
"No, no, no I'm not sick." Olivia immediately denies.
Bella recoils.
"Why do you always keep me at an arms length, Liv?" Her eyes were now blurred with tears.
"Come on, Bella." Olivia sighs.
"You were sick when we were in Phoenix and you never let me in. You never told me what happened. You shut me and everyone else out. And now you're sick again! But this time you're physically ruining yourself. Because you aren't emotionless it's like you can't see it. But everyone else around you can see it." Bella stresses. "It's going to kill you if you don't get help."
Olivia groans. "Bella I'm sorry for Phoenix and everything else but I'm not sick for gods sake! I'm fine now, why can't you be happy for me?"
"Because you're starving yourself!" Bella yells.
Thumping comes from the stairs and soon enough Charlie rushes into the kitchen to see his twins in a rare face off.
"What is going on here?" Charlie looks between the two in pure exhaustion.
Olivia looks back and forth between her sister and father before letting out a long breath. "Nothing." She shakes her head. "I was just grabbing a glass then going back to bed."
"I didn't realize grabbing a glass meant screaming at each other." Charlie responds sarcastically.
Olivia huffs and walks past the two to stalk back to her room.
She stops in her doorway when she notices the large figure sitting half way in her window.
"Paul." She whispers, glancing behind her before shutting the door.
Paul doesn't make any indication that he had heard her but she knows he did.
"How much did you hear?" Olivia questions, now standing about two feet from the wolf.
"A decent amount." He simply responds.
"I'm sorry."
"Imprints can be friends too." Paul finally looks at her. "And god if I haven't been in love with you since we were kids, Olivia. But I just wanted you to know that imprints can be different than lovers. Imprints can be your protectors, guardians, friend, family. I don't want you to think you have no other options but to be romantically with me."
Olivia is silent, unsure of what to say.
He finally take a step out from her window and grabs her hands in his own. "Whatever you want, I will do Liv. I know that the Cullen's hurt you. I know that they're the ones who helped you, but broke you right back down, and I could kill them for it."
Olivia pulls one of her hands away to wipe an oncoming tear from streaming down her face.
"But I wouldn't have you back right now. So call me selfish for being glad that they left." Paul finishes, quickly turning and hopping out of the window to give her some time to herself.
Olivia jogs toward the window and watches the wolf shift in the tree line and look back toward her window one last time before disappearing into the night.