Olivia Swan was the older twin of Bella Swan.
She was the life of the party.
She was a daddy's girl.
She brought smiles to the faces of everyone she knew.
Until a year ago, when something no one knows about completely destroyed her into a numb a...
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Olivia quietly sits at the dining room table with her father as she picks at her plate and he focusses on the newspaper.
"You don't need to sit with me at the table until I finish my food, dad." She quietly murmurs, not looking up at him.
Charlie's eyes widen for a small second before he coughs. "I don't know what you mean, Liv. A man can't sit and read his newspaper nowadays?"
Olivia jokingly scoffs. "Please, dad. The lazy boy in the living room has your body imprinted into it and i'm sure theres a newspaper or two stuffed in between the cushions."
Charlie lightly chuckles before his face turns solemn. "I just want to be here for you, Liv. I want to be more present. If I had before maybe..."
Olivia grabs his hand and assuringly squeezes it. "You've been a great dad. Present. I'm sorry for putting you through this."
"They say real fatherhood doesn't start until the teenage years." Charlie mutters.
Olivia mockingly nods. "Oh, yes."
Just then the front door slowly opens and his face drops as he checks his watch. Olivia goes back to looking down at her plate not wanting to interact with her sister still. "Four o'clock on the dot. Does he have a stopwatch or something?"
"He has a name. And now he's too punctual for you?" Bella sighs as she looks to her sister only to be ignored and starts her way up the stairs. Before she gets to far Charlie calls her back and tells her to take a seat.
Olivia sighs quietly as she realizes she was going to have to be in a room with her sister and Charlie was definitely not allowing her to leave this plate. "Okay... You understand why you're being punished, right?" He starts.
"I know, I put you through hell." Bella looks away with a guilty expression.
Their father nods his head. "Yes, you did. But I have other reasons, for grounding you. Like... I just want you to get some separation from him."
Bella's head snaps up in alarm. "Dad, there is nothing you can say. Edward is in my life."
Olivia scoffs under her breath.
Charlie sighs but nods. "Yeah, I'm gathering that. So, alright. How about this? I'll make you a deal. You're not grounded anymore, if... You use your new found freedom... ... to see some of your other friends too, Like... Like Jacob. He's going through a really tough time right now, His Dad's really worried about him. I remember when that was you. You needed a friend, Jake was there."
When she doesn't respond Olivia hesitantly peaks her head up from her plate and notices her sister deep in thought with a small frown marring her face. Olivia knew how Jake was.