chapter 33:

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Isabella POV:

*The day of the OWL exams*

Me and Draco's relationship has been going well, Umbridge is still a bitch and always nagging us about the owl's coming up. I never really cared because I was going to sit besides Grace and look at her work but that's besides the point. I would have to be sneaky with it, so I don't know how I was going to do it but I was going to. I did well in class, so I already knew everything, but I didn't understand everything.

It was the day before stupid ass OWL'S Grace was so stressed and I had only just woken up, "Grace calm the fuck down its not as if you won't pass," I roll my eyes and rub my eyes.

"I can't i need more information to get into my brain," she breathes harshly,

"Shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep," I groan grabbing my pillow and putting it over my head,

"Getup it's time to get ready anyways, we can't be late to breakfast Umbridge will be telling us the rules of the exams," Grace says throwing my uniform at me. I groan loudly and get up.


We sat in the hall, on the Slytherin table. Everyone talking I was half asleep, and very tired. I scraped the sausage of my plate and into my mouth chewing it tiredly. My eyelids closing and opening very slowly.

I jolted as I felt Draco's cold ass hand touched my thigh, "your hands are always so cold," I mutter pouring some coffee.

"Of course they are, do you want me to take them off?" He asks turning his body to me.

"No," I respond and drink my coffee,

"Why are you so tired?" He asks,

"I fell asleep at 4am I was watching some Nicocado avacado all night. He's so funny, uh- sh uh- sh," I mock and laugh,

"Is that the guy that always does those mukbangs?"

"Oh my God you kn-"

"Attention students!" Umbridge shouts making the whole hall go silent. Draco knee I hated her, so he didn't like her as much as he used to. "Since most of you students don't understand that you can't be within 8 inches, of the opposite gender!" She says moving her head to the side quickly.

"But Proffesor we are all Literally sitting next to guys now." I mutter rolling my eyes,

"Was there something you wanted to say to everyone, Ms Clarke?" Proffesor Umbridge questions with her dirty grin,

"No Proffesor Umbridge," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. She continues her speech and leaves,

She ordered us all to leave the hall so it could be set up, we were all told to go back to our house common rooms.

"See you soon okay," Draco says, "Grace make sure she dosent fall asleep," he laughs then leaves with Enzo and Blaise.

"I hate our house, and the people in it, the only people I like is the trio." I roll my eyes,

"What about me, uh-" Grace snaps and pushed my shoulder making me stumble.

"Not even you babes," I said and laughed sloppily,

"Yeah yeah," She scoffs and walks into the common room,


Proffesor Umbridge called class by class to enter the hall and start their exam, and it was finally mine. I stood outside the door, in the line besides the huge sign saying ,
'OWLS in progress'.

Grace stood behind me mumbling some shit she revised whilst I yawned and rubbed my eyes,
"Move," Draco mumbles to the guy standing Infront of me.


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