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Percy was shopping for his younger sister. She was turning six tomorrow and she'd told Percy in the morning that she wanted a blue dress for her party tomorrow. Percy, being the wonderful older brother he was had smiled, grabbed his wallet and had run out of the door, yelling to his mom that he would be back in a while. 

He smiled at the memory and started to flip through dresses. There was a bright green dress which Percy thought his sister, Estelle might like. She did want blue though − he sighed and put it back. He was going to have a hard time finding the perfect little blue dress for Estelle. Percy put on a smile − he was sure to find something − and decided to walk over to some other section of the kids clothing store. As he passed by the cashier counter, he saw the cashier talking to a blonde girl who looked to be about his age. The girl looked... uncomfortable to say the least.

She was smiling and nodding along, almost as if she was trying very hard not to grimace. The man behind the counter was leaning forward and Percy knew the look he had on his face. He'd seen it far too many times on his first stepfather − Gabe Ugliano. It was this horrendous, inhumane look which he hated. That gleam in the man's eyes made Percy seethe.

He had to do something. Fuck if he would just let that man say whatever he wanted and make a "move" on her. That was harassment and no one deserved that. He walked over to the counter and the girl, noticing his presence turned towards him. 

"Hey," he faltered for a second, "Anna." 

Percy waved, smiling at her. It was the first name he could think of. The girl, who had blonde curls like ones he'd see in those princess movies Estelle watched and striking gray eyes which looked like liquid silver, seemed to understand. She played along. 

"Hey Matthew!" she said it joyfully and with a smile. She didn't falter at all. 

Percy smiled again, "Hey, it's been a while, huh?"

The girl nodded and hummed in acknowledgement. She smoothly turned away from the man behind the counter. "Yeah it has been, Matt. I think the last time I saw you was at your aunt's birthday party."

Percy nodded, "Yeah, I think that's right," he kept smiling. "Talking about my aunt, she's here with me." He pointed outside the store, "She wanted to go shopping so I offered to come with her!"

The girl's eyes were calculating. She scanned the boy in front of her quickly, glanced back to the man behind the counter and smiled again, "That's nice, would you mind if we met up with her?"

Percy shook his head, "I wouldn't mind at all. She was mentioning that she wanted to talk to you again."

The girl smiled and turned away from the cashier counter, smoothly walking away as Percy followed after her. He glared at the floor, willing himself not to go back and punch that excuse for a man in the jaw.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief as her and Percy exited the store. "Thank you so much," she said, smiling. It wasn't fake this time.

Percy grinned and shrugged. "It's the least I could've done," he blew some hair from his face, "I really wanted to punch him but," he shrugged again.

The girl smiled and held out her hand, "Annabeth Chase."

Percy was surprised that he'd gotten her name somewhat correct. He smiled too and shook her hand, "Percy Jackson."

The girl, Annabeth, his mind corrected breathed a laugh. "Yeah, I think I'll stick with Matthew."

Percy laughed too and waved, saying that he had to go to some other clothing store because he wasn't going to go in that one ever again. At that statement, Annabeth asked, "Actually, I was wondering, what were you doing in a kids clothing store anyway?"

Percy scratched the back of his neck and grinned, "I have a little sister, she's turning six and she wanted a dress for her birthday party tomorrow," he spread his arms a little, "so here I am."

Annabeth smiled and pointed to a store on the other side of the mall, "I think you could go there? My dad used to get my dresses from that store, it's nice. I think you'll find something your sister will like." 

She smiled and Percy smiled too. He waved goodbye to her and set off to the store, leaving the girl with princess curls behind. Only the Fates knew that he was destined to see her again.

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