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As the credits roll, tears well up in Percy's sea-green eyes. He bursts into sobs as Annabeth runs over to him, wondering why he's crying.

'Percy, Percy,' She says, shaking her boyfriend. 'What's wrong, Seaweed Brain?'

The son of Poseidon looks up at her with that cute baby-seal face Annabeth fell in love with all those years ago and says, 'They were in love, Beth.'

Annabeth realizes what he's talking about, the same movie he's been watching on repeat for the past two days. She sits down next to him as he lays his head on her lap, a pout on his face. 'They were in love, Wise Girl.'

The grey-eyed girl holds back a laugh as she nods and combs her fingers through his hair, 'I know, Percy. I know.'

'But it's not fair!' He whines, crossing his arms. He sits up and turns to her, sitting cross-legged. 'They didn't deserve to die!!'

Annabeth looks fondly at this stupid boy she loves and shakes her head, smiling. 'I know, Perce.'

'But you don't know...' He trails off, wiping a tear from his cheeks. 'They were in love... They loved each other, Beth...' And like a fangirl when their OTP falls into hell, he bursts into sobs again, whining... because they were in love.

Annabeth sighs, still stifling a laugh.

Percy looks at her now, a determined look on his face. He stands up quickly and races out of their apartment, making Annabeth shake her head slowly and run after him.

The green-haired boy races down the stairs as a smile forms on his face, he opens the door of their apartment complex as the pleasant air of New Rome hits him. Annabeth catches up to him as Percy walks over to the lake at Camp Jupiter, Terminus yelling at him for leaving the premises without signing the entry and exit form.

Annabeth smiles at the god and signs the sheet, running over to her boyfriend.

'Where are you going, Seaweed Brain?'

'I'm going to go pay my dad a visit...' He trails off, ready to jump into the lake.

Annabeth chuckles as she nods, 'Alright, be back in time for dinner.' He nods and jumps into the lake.


'BUT THEY WERE IN LOVE, DAD,' Percy yells for the umpteenth time. Maybe he's being childish, but he has good reason to yell. They loved each other and they didn't deserve such a fate.

The god of the seas sighs as he hears his son repeat the same thing.

'I know that, Percy... I was just having a bad day,' He says as his son gasps dramatically.

'BUT THEY WERE IN LOVE,' He whines as Amphitrite watches the two, giggling into her hand. Poseidon sighs again, laughing a bit now.



Percy's watching the movie again, Annabeth nuzzles into his chest as he grins and wraps an arm around her.

The two sit there, as they watch the ship sink to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. They sit there, watching a story of stormy seas and tragic love, and Percy whines again, 'But they were in love, Annie!!!'

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