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Nico sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time as he fixed his black bow-tie. Why was he so nervous? He tugged on his dress robes and ran a hand through his hair. 

Nico looked into the mirror and sighed again. He looked like a mess. Nico pushed his glasses up and let his hair down. His black locks fell to his shoulder and as he was about to turn back, a voice called his name.

He spun around, only to see his best friend and fellow Slytherin, Reyna.

Reyna had piercing black eyes and glossy black hair worn in a single braid. Her face was one Nico could only describe as regal and one of Hispanic descent. Reyna's gaze was unwavering as she walked over to Nico, her wand at her side. She held her wand outward and to the floor as if she was ready to spring into action at any moment.

'You look like Sirius Black, you know that, right?' She said, a smile crawling onto her face as Nico laughed.

'Sure I do.'

'You do, Nico,' Reyna chuckled as she smoothed out her dress, 'Just a younger version of him and with darker skin and glasses.'

Nico shook his head and was about to retort as spell was fired at him. Nico spin around to see that it was one of his housemates, one who happened to hate him for being friends with people from other houses. Nico fired his wand, yelling, 'Expelliarmus!'

The wand of the boy who had attacked him fell to the ground and Nico looked at him, glaring. The boy cowered in fear at the wild glint in Nico's dark brown eyes and scurried off. Nico rolled his eyes and tucked his wand into his robe pocket.

He turned back to Reyna, now fully appreciating her dress. Reyna had decided to go with a long, dark purple dress which Nico thought almost looked like a toga. The dress which flowed till the floor had a camisole neckline and Reyna had accessorized with a golden necklace and a headband which looked like a golden laurel wreath.

Nico smiled and pointed at her dress, 'Good choice, it suits you.'

Reyna laughed, 'You robes look good too.'

Nico smiled and bowed his head a little. He offered his arm to Reyna, 'Would you allow me to escort you to the ballroom, Lady Arellano?'

Reyna grinned and took his arm. Together, the duo set off into the corridors of Hogwarts, making their way to the Yule Ball.

As they walked, Nico proposed a question to his best friend. 'So tell me, Reyna, who exactly is your date? You haven't told me.'

Reyna simply winked. 'You haven't told me either.'

Nico laughed and pulled Reyna closer to him. The other wizards and witches who were strolling in the corridors made no comment towards the closeness between the two.

They were Reyna and Nico. She was badass, he was gay. They were the real power couple at Hogwarts.

'Oh just tell me who it is,' Nico said, waving to a green-eyed boy and a grey-eyed girl who were walking alongside them.

Reyna snorted, 'Absolutely not.'

Nico shook his head as she added, 'But if you tell me who you're going with, then I might....' There was a sly smile on Reyna's face and a twinkle in her eye. Almost as if she was sure she would get Nico to spill.

'Oh alright!' Nico said, sighing in defeat. They'd been asking each other who the other's date was for the longest time, and finally, Nico was sick of not having an answer.

'I'm going with Will.'

That answer was enough for Reyna to pull away from Nico. Her eyes were wide open and as a gleeful smile grew on her face, Nico thought it was the most informal expression he'd ever seen.

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