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ERRATIC, part two

As Alex continued to read, his voice came down to an almost dreamy whisper. But just loud enough so that him and Magnus could hear.

Swiping up again on a photo of him wrapped in a blanket and binging romance movies, he started to read again. 

'Alex was having a hard day today. His dysphoria was spiking and I'm glad I could be there for him. Considering I got to spend the whole day watching cheesy romance shows with him, it was pretty awesome.'

Alex smiled a little as Magnus simply looked at the other boy, unable to say anything. He wanted to, yes. But the moment seemed so private, so wonderful that he decided against it. 

'So, I realized something today. Alex shouldn't be allowed to wear dresses. She just shouldn't. It has to be some sort of sin, because really... No one should be allowed to look that pretty. I know I've said this a million times already but I can't help it. Alex would look great with morning breath and messy hair. Wait, scratch that, she looks even better with that "messy hair, don't care" look.' 

Alex moved on to the next picture, a picture of her trying to blow a strand of hair from her face. 

'She's torturing me. I'm sure of it.'

He chuckled softly at the two short sentences and swiped right and up as Magnus's breath hitched. Not that note, please.

'I realized something again today, I may or ma- Oh, who am I kidding? I definitely and totally and completely am in love with Alex Fierro.' Alex stopped reading for a moment, just taking in the words on the screen. He didn't want to think about what that meant for both of them, not right now. 

So Alex continued to read. 

'Yes, I said that. Not a crush, not falling in love... LOVE. It's kind of cool, though. I know I'll probably just get my heart broken but a guy can dream, right?'

Alex moved on to the next note and the next photo. 

'So, Alex was a boy for the first time today. I mean that, it's the first day after my whole realization thing... And I feel the same. I didn't know what I expected, it's not like my love for him would suddenly go away... I don't think it's ever going to. Why? I love Alex Fierro. Guy or Girl.'

Alex smiled softly as she scrolled through the photos and clicked on a more recent one and swiped up.

 Magnus sat quietly through the whole thing, the only sound he could hear was Alex's voice. That wonderful voice he loved... But the voice which would never say the three words he wanted to hear so desperately. 

'This girl has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it. Insert a heavy sigh somewhere here. So, Alex wanted to do a video for her blog, right? She wanted to put me through a makeup tutorial or something and I'm now sitting in her room, my face caked in makeup. Well, not caked. I actually look kind of good. 

But still, I let her put makeup on me... What's next? Putting me in a dress? Insert another sigh here because I'd probably let her.'

Alex chuckled softly as Magnus smiled at him. He didn't know why he hadn't taken the phone back from her yet. Maybe it was because this was easier than telling the green-haired boy himself. Maybe it was because of the way Alex was reading it. 

In that beautiful voice, a faint whisper which made him feel like it was only him and Alex. Call him sappy but that was really what it felt like. 

Alex clicked on the last photo in the folder, a photo of both of them at Pride today.

'Seeing Alex talking to Mark... It made me realize that it's never going to happen between us. It just won't... So, I'm ending this folder today. I won't delete it because I have a feeling that I won't be able to get over him. I think Alex is my one and only, my soulmate... But I'm not his. I'm letting go because I can't stand it any longer. 

Not being able to put my arms around him whenever I want to. Or running my hands through his silky hair. Holding his hand. Kissing him. 

It's just a figment of my imagination, it'll never happen. So... goodbye. This is my last note and my last photo. 

I still love you though, Alex Fierro.'

Alex finished the last word and the last note in a wispy breath of air and called the waiter over. Magnus simply sat there, looking at him, hoping, praying, for some sort of expression, some sign. But he received nothing. 

Alex simply told the waiter to parcel the falafel Magnus had been eating and got up from the seat, the other boy's phone still in hand. He motioned for Magnus to get up and he gave him the box of food.

Magnus followed silently as the two strolled through the streets of Boston. 


'A-Alex, where are we going?' Magnus asked after finally getting the courage to actually say something. 

Alex turned his head and looked at Magnus, his blond hair swaying in the soft breeze. 'Home.'

'Uh, why?' Magnus said, his voice quiet. 

'Because it's taking all of my willpower not to pounce on you right here and right now and kiss those stupidly pink lips of yours.' Alex deadpanned. Magnus's eyes widened in pure shock... He-he... HE LIKED HIM BACK? ALEX FIERRO LIKED HIM TOO? 

Magnus's breathing went erratic at the thought. Alex Fierro? His transgender, gender-fluid, green-haired, badass, sassy best friend with the heterochromatic eyes? 

Liked... maybe, loved him? Magnus couldn't quite comprehend it. What was that thing called when your crush likes you back? Oh yeah, imagination. 

But for one golden-haired, grey-eyed, Magnus Chase... That little dream was becoming reality. 

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