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Thank you to carrtoonfanfic8 for the amazing idea, definitely not a ship I would've come up with... Hope I did it justice! 



'Connor needs to find a girlfriend, Katie.' Travis says as his girlfriend sits next to him, rolling her eyes.

'And why would that be?' The daughter of Demeter asks as Travis gasps dramatically. She sighs as he gets up from his seat and starts to ramble on about all the reasons his brother has to find a girlfriend... Someone remind her why she decided to date this idiot?

Oh yeah, because she loves him. Ugh.

'AND DOUBLE DATES, MY KATIE-KAT!!! WE COULD GO ON DOUBLE DATES!' The boy says, spreading his arms wide as if he'd just presented the world with the best idea ever. 'THAT. WOULD. BE. AWESOME.'

Katie sighs again, 'I guess it would be, now can we go and garden? I have to make sure the strawberries Miranda planted yesterday are growing fine.'

At this, Travis smirks. 'Do you not even trust your own sister, Katie?'

'No, I don't.' She said. 'And neither do I trust you. So before you come up with some crazy idea involving TNT, whipped-cream and balloons...' The brunette shudders at the incident from a few months ago. 'Let's go.' Taking his hand and dragging him away, the two leave the Dining Pavilion as Travis comes up with his master plan.


'Come on, brother dear. You must have someone your eye is set on.' The older of the Stolls insists as the two lay on the roof of the Hermes Cabin.

Connor shrugs, 'No. Not really.' He says, looking up at the stars which seem to be the light in an inky canopy of black. The blue-eyed boy groans internally, he needs to stop hanging out with the Athena kids. All their words and writing shit is rubbing off on him. "Inky canopy of black..." He shakes his head as Travis rolls his eyes.

'OH COME OFF IT.' Travis says, almost yelling. That's the thing with him, Travis Stoll is a yell-er. A screamer. Put it however you want to, he loves raising his voice.

'Dude, just 'cuz you have a girlfriend doesn't mean I have to have one.'

'But-but... we were going to go on double dates...' Travis says with puppy eyes he mastered from the age of two.

'Oh my gods...' Connor says, laughing at his brother's childishness. 'You come off it.'





'NOT UNTIL YOU GET A GIRLFRIEND.' Travis stops and then says, 'Or boyfriend. Or significant other. Anyone really.' He knows that Nico and Will are happy together, he knows one of the Ares kids is gender-fluid... Why not? All Travis really wants anyway is for Connor to be happy.

Connor raises his eyebrows at the "boyfriend" and smirks. Maybe his brother isn't so childish after all.

After a few more hours, kidding, minutes of Travis trying to convince Connor into spilling the beans (he made a few un-needed innuendos) and finally giving up because, 'Ugh, stop being such a stone-cold idiot.' and Connor replying with, 'That's what the Stolls do, brother of mine. Be idiots.' , the two fell asleep on the roof.


'Really, Travis?' Katie asks as the two walk in the direction of the Hermes Cabin.

'Um, YES.' He says, nodding his head vigorously. He's come up with the perfect plan.

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