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Alicia sat in her room as Bianca ran inside. 'Alicia, Alicia... ALICIA.'

The redhead covered her ears as Bianca frantically ran around, yelling at the top of her lungs.

'Gosh, what happened?' She asked the girl who'd practically become her sister. It had been a long and tough few years, her parents decided that they no longer wanted her to live with them, her other family members had cut off ties with her except for her cousins who visited once in a while.

Her friends from the school Will used to teach at were wary of her sexuality at first, but they'd eventually learned that it didn't matter. And since then, she'd lived with Will and Nico.

They'd adopted her and Alicia could still remember the day.

The man handed the papers to Will and he smiled and looked at Alicia. 'Hey daughter.'

Alicia laughed, 'Hey dad.' The word sounded odd as it rolled off her tongue, but she would adjust to it. She grinned as Bianca's face lit up in understanding as the girl jumped up and down, 'Daddy, daddy... Red girl is my sister now?'

Will chuckled and ruffled his daughter's hair. 'Yeah, Bia. She's part of the family now.'

Alicia snapped back into present day as her eight year-old sister pulled at her hair. 'You're really going to introduce Nadia to dad and papa?'

Ah yes, Nadia. Alicia's girlfriend. They'd been dating for the past few months and Bianca had walked in on them kissing and she had walked over to the dark-skinned girl and hugged her, whispering, 'Thank you for making Alicia happy.'

'Yeah, Bia. I'm going to introduce them to her.'

The young brunette squealed with joy and sat down next to Alicia, 'Oh, I'm so excited!!!'

Alicia smiled, she was excited too.


'Hey parental unit,' The green-eyed girl said as the family sat down for dinner.

'Yeah, Alicia?' Nico asked, smiling softly at the girl who'd become a second daughter to him.

Will hummed in acknowledgement, stuffing his face with his husband's pasta. 'I have a girlfriend.'

Will spit out the pasta, 'YOU WHAT?'

Nico's eyes widened, Oh?'

'Mhm, Nadia.' Alicia said simply as Bianca sighed. When she asked her sister if she would introduce her girlfriend to Dad and Papa, she meant something like, invite her over to dinner... Alicia and her idiocy.

Will slowly turned to his husband. 'Um, Nico... Is she talking about the same Nadia who's been in her room so much and the door was always closed?'

'I think so, William. I think so.' Nico said as Will pursed his lips and nodded.

'Oh. Well, uh, that's nice.' The blond man said, 'You two didn't make out every time she came over to study, did you?'

Alicia shook her head, 'Nope, nope. Definitely not.'

Nico chuckled, 'Right, definitely not.'


'Nadia!! Get going or else we're going to be late and you know how much my dads are going to yell at you if we're late!' Alicia yelled to her girlfriend who smoothed out her dress and ran outside.

'I know, I know.' She said, catching her breath. 'You're sure your parents will think I'm ok?'

Alicia laughed as she looked at the girl she was slowly and surely falling in love with. Nadia's black hair was tied up in a messy bun, her dark skin gleaming in the moonlight.

'You look beautiful and they will absolutely love you. Don't worry too much, babe.'

Nadia rolled her eyes at the over-used nickname as Alicia gave the girl a soft peck on the lips. 'Oh, strawberry-flavored lip gloss?'

'Your favorite, you red-haired dork. Your favorite.' Alicia laughed and took the girl's hand, dragging her along to the car.

Nadia took a seat as Alicia revved the engine and sped off into the night. Though Alicia knew how much Nico and Will loved the brown-eyed girl, Nadia on the other hand was still a little tense.


'Hey Alicia and hello girl who stole my daughter's heart!' Will exclaimed, smiling brightly as the couple sat down at the dining table. Nico observed the two, the love in their eyes as they looked at each other.

He smiled to himself, Alicia and Nadia seemed wonderful for each other.


Alicia was not ready for this. She was not ready to leave this house, the house where she'd gone through so much. The house where Will and Nico had first welcomed her in, the house where she'd first introduced Nadia to her parents, where Bianca and her had first bonded... She sighed and gripped her suitcase handle as Will and Nico stepped out of the house behind her.

'Well, you're finally here, Alicia.' Will said as Bianca smiled at her sister as Nadia ran up to the Solace-di Angelo Family.

'Yeah, dad. I'm here.' Alicia gave her girlfriend a kiss as the girl wrapped an arm around Alicia's waist. 'Hey, love.'

The redhead giggled at the nickname and looked at the people surrounding her as she was about to leave for college. Alicia smiled as she thought, I've found my family.

She glanced at Nadia, And my significant other too.


hey all of you, thank you for all the votes and comments on this story! it means a lot to me and i hope all of you liked this chapter... i think it was a bit rushed and it definitely isn't my best work. sorry about that, but i hope it's good enough.

~ love, via

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