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Nico was not having a good day.

He didn't usually have good days, but he was extra grumpy today. Maybe it was because he fell off the bed in the morning, or because he burnt his toast. Or maybe it was the fact that he'd forgotten his homework at home. Whatever it was, he was really annoyed by it.

He sighed and slumped in his seat in the cafeteria, in a small table by the window. Usually, he would sit with his friends or with Hazel, but today he didn't feel like listening to Percy and Annabeth's bickering or Piper and Jason arguing about whether or not some fashion thing was out of season or not... And he really didn't want to listen to Leo's stupid jokes.

The brown-eyed boy sighed again, tossing a fry in his mouth. He stared out the window, occasionally glancing over at the table where his friends were at. The fourth time he looked over there, he made eye contact with the one and only Leo Valdez. The boy's curly brown hair was as tousled as ever, his shirt covered in grease and his eyes fixed on Nico.

Then, his face broke into a grin as he told the people at the table he'd be right back. He walked over to Nico, patting the boy's back and saying, 'Hey, Death Boy!'

Nico clenched his teeth, rolling his eyes. 'Leave me alone, Leo.'

The mechanic thought for a moment, sitting down and stroking his imaginary beard. 'Hmm, let me think about it... NO.' Nico sighed, he was not getting out of this. He cursed the gods for making him about to sit through a whole lunch period with the idiot known as Leo.

'So...' the boy went on, smiling widely. 'What's got you all cute and grumpy today, Neeks?'

The black-haired teenager raised an eyebrow at the "cute" but brushed it off as Leo being Leo, 'Nothing, Valdez. Now leave me alone.'

He laughed, 'I am never going to leave you alone, Neeks.' Nico sighed and rolled his eyes as the Hispanic boy pinched his cheeks. 'Love you too much for that.'

Ok, was Leo drunk or something? Nico was seriously getting agitated now, it wasn't unusual for his friends to treat him like some little kid... But this was just straight-up annoying.

Nico pushed the boy's hands away, pursing his lips. 'Alright, leave me alone. I mean it this time.'

Leo just laughed again but his eyes softened as he looked at Nico, 'I'm not going to leave you alone, Nico. I'm always going to be right here.'

The boy smiled again, the ever-present humor in his eyes replaced with adoration. He pulled out a wrench from his tool belt, twirling it in his fingers. 'Ooh, can I have some fries?'

Nico groaned and pushed the plate towards him. He watched as Leo practically devoured all the fries, leaving only one.

'Here yah go, Death Boy.' Leo said, holding up the single fry to Nico's mouth. The Italian sighed for what seemed to be the millionth time today and opened his mouth, going along with the other boy's stupidity.

The brunette grinned as Nico munched on the fry, he slowly brought his hand up to the brown-eyed boy's cheek. His fingers grazed the Italian's cheek, 'You got a little something there, Neeks.'

Nico watched as Leo rubbed on his cheek carefully, realizing how close the two were. He could see the faint scar near Leo's lip where he'd burned himself at a barbecue party. He could see the slight arch of Leo's eyebrows, his long lashes. His lips.

Leo inched a little closer to Nico, bringing himself even closer to the boy. Making Nico's heart beat even faster. 'Can I kiss you, Death Boy?' He asked, whispering.

Nico wasn't sure why he nodded or why he didn't pull away as their lips met, Leo's hand still on his cheek. He wasn't sure why he put his hand on Leo's back, pulling the boy closer. He wasn't sure as to when they broke apart, all he wanted to do was kiss this stupid idiotic Hispanic boy known as Leo Valdez again.

But he did know one thing, Nico wasn't having such a bad day anymore.

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