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'Alright Percy, I dare you to kiss the most attractive guy in this room.' Rachel says as the seven and a few other demigods play truth or dare.

Percy thinks for a moment before looking at his circle of friends.

Leo. He's more... cute? Like, in the "little brother, I want to hug him all the time" way. But Percy won't deny that he looks pretty hot in that white shirt which is stained black with grease.

Frank. Yeah sure, he's good-looking and fit. His face isn't chiseled but it doesn't exactly matter, he looks cute, but again, in a brotherly way. Percy sees why Hazel and him are together though.

The Stolls. Well they both look the same, but again, he understands why Katie loves Travis so much. And if Connor wasn't aro-ace, there'd be a lot of girls or guys or just people in general who would like him.

Nico. Uh, maybe not... Will would probably break all his bones, heal them and then break them again. So, no. But, Percy sees what the son of Apollo sees in Nico. He's adorable and small and all you want to do is hug him and he guesses for Will... pepper him in kisses.

Will. Again, Nico would break his bones, raise a few skeletons and honestly, Nico's already been through so much and Percy doesn't want to ruin the happiness he has now by kissing his boyfriend.

Jason. Percy doesn't know what to think of him... Jason is responsible and uh, really hot. The blonde hair which isn't pale but not a golden either; those blue eyes which were always... sparkling with a content glint. The thing Percy likes most about his eyes though are that they're a perfect in-between. Not azure and bright like Will's but not icy like Oct- the pillow pet killer's.

So... Percy made his decision. He walks over to Jason and the son of Jupiter's eyes widen with shock.

'I-I'm the most attractive guy here, bro?' Jason asks, standing up. Percy simply smiles his trademark smile and steps a bit closer to Jason. He can feel Jason's breath on his cheek and the blood rush to his neck as their lips are just a hairbreadth away.

All Percy wants to do is pull Jason in and smash his lips onto his, but he waits, peering into the boy's sky-blue eyes. Jason smirks which Percy has to say... It looks good on him, and makes the first move.

As their lips meet, Percy's brain goes haywire. He's only focusing on the softness of Jason's lips moving against his and how he thinks that if anything is Elysium, this has to be it. The two boys pull away, small smiles on their faces just because of the pure excitement.

'T-that was... different.' Percy says finally. Jason nods in agreement, 'But a good different.'

Percy smiles and sits back down as the game resumes. No one says anything about the embrace the two supposedly straight boys just shared but every single person in the cabin is thinking the exact same thing, What just happened?


Oh my gods, am I bi? Or pan? Or demi? Jason has absolutely no idea what is happening as his head fills with thoughts surrounding his sexuality or what the heck just happened. But one though stood out from the rest, I just kissed Percy Jackson and I liked it and I want to do it again.

Now that makes absolutely no sense to him but he wants it to make sense. So when all of the demigods in the Poseidon cabin start to leave, Jason stays back. And Percy doesn't say no.

'Perce, can I uh, maybe... kiss you again?' Jason asks and for a moment Percy goes still. Jason curses in Latin and starts apologizing and how they should just forget about the whole thing.

But as Jason continues to ramble, he doesn't realize that Percy is standing right in front of him. When the other boy's hand cups Jason's cheek and their lips are, once more, just a hairbreadth away, Percy whispers one word.


And Jason loses all of his common sense.

Percy's lips meet his and as his tongue grazes Jason's bottom lips, silently asking for entrance.

Jason gives it to him.

As Percy's tongue explores his mouth, Jason lets out a small groan, placing his hands on the boy's waist. They both pull each other so close that if they had been any closer, they would've been stuck. And honestly, if they were stuck to each other, Jason doesn't think he'd mind.

One of his hands moves up to Percy's black and messy hair, giving a slight tug on it as their tongues fight for dominance. The son of Poseidon moans with pleasure and Jason knows all he wants is to hear that sound again. And again. And again.

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