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Jason felt like ugly-crying as he looked at Nico and Will, sitting together on the couch, their thighs pressed together, Will putting the spoon up to Nico's mouth. Will had ordered some funky pineapple pizza (Jason had shouted that he was disowning Will) and was trying to make Nico eat it. 

Though Jason was completely outraged by the choice of topping on the pizza, he really did feel like ugly-crying, and sobbing, "My boys are so cute together, STOP"

Jason absentmindedly grabbed a piece of pizza — one he'd ordered for him and Nico, because no way was he eating Will's — and stuffed it in his mouth, his hand resting on his chin. Jason was sitting diagonally from the two lovebirds, watching as Will laughed and somehow forced Nico to eat the damn pizza.

Jason watched silently as Nico's dark brown eyes sparkled when he looked at Will. The boy chewed the pizza, grimacing a little but quickly putting on a smile. Will shook his head, "You don't have to pretend to like it, you know Neeks?"

Nico sighed in relief, swallowing the last bit of the pizza. "I hated it."

Will laughed and wrapped his arms around Nico, giving him a quick kiss.

Oh who allowed these two to be such husbands? Goddammit.

Jason sighed and shook his head, albeit the huge smile on his face. He loved those two — and he was forever glad that they had met. Jason smiled, with little hearts in his eyes as he looked at the lovers — impossibly happy for them.

Jason glanced at his watch — it was almost midnight. The three boys, who shared an apartment, had this stupid tradition of staying up till midnight on almost every holiday they could. It had started off as a joke, because when Nico had moved to the States from Italy, he had been thoroughly confused when no one stayed up till midnight on Easter, thinking that because the people in New York made it such a big deal to stay up on New Year's, they stayed up on other holidays too.

Granted Nico was fourteen when that debacle happened, and wasn't all too smart, it had been an inside joke in their entire group. When the gang, Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, Piper, Thalia and countless others had been in high-school, they'd made sure to stay up till midnight on every single holiday. After high-school had ended, and everybody had moved to attend their colleges and whatnot, only Jason, Nico and Will had truly stayed together in every sense of the word.

Of course, Hazel was Nico's half-brother, so her and her boyfriend, Frank, always visited. And Thalia, Jason's sister, and the siblings's best friend Reyna — who coincidentally, also happened to be Nico's best friend — all had frequent get-togethers and a very chaotic group chat.

But at the end of it, Jason, Nico, and Will stayed the closest.

And so, their tradition went on.

Jason looked at his watch again — 11:57 pm. It was going to be Valentine's Day in exactly three minutes and Jason couldn't wait to take a photo of them in their cute outfits. Will and Nico were both wearing gray sweaters, which Jason found adorable.

He swallowed down another piece of pizza, smiling as Nico turned to him. "Why are you staring at us, Jason?"

"Because you two are cute."

Jason did not stutter. Nico definitely did not blush and make an irritated expression. Will just laughed.

As Jason's clock chimed, telling him that it was midnight and finally Valentine's day, Nico and Will stood up in their matching sweaters and Jason's hand went straight to his phone and as he practically jumped in front of them, taking the photo, Nico yelped.

"Gosh, Jason! Would it kill you to just chill sometimes?" He said, shaking his head and blushing. (Will had his arm around his waist.) Jason laughed, already starting to upload the photo to his Instagram. 

"Yes, yes it would kill me."

Nico rolled his eyes, pulling Will's hands off of him, walking over to the kitchen. 

"So who wants me to make pasta, and then maybe some popcorn, and throw on a movie because I'm sure we're going to be here the whole night?" Nico asked, leaning against the counter. Will nodded vigorously, walking over to him.

Jason looked up from his phone, nodding as well. "Yes, yes, and yes again," he grinned, "We're totally staying up for the entire night."

Nico grinned, turning around to start on his pasta. As the boy cooked, Will and Jason took a seat on the breakfast counter, scrolling through their phones. Will made an incoherent noise as Jason moved closer to him, looking at the phone.

He burst out laughing.

"What are you making that noise for?"

Will put the phone up in Jason's face. "I'm making that face for your post. And the fact that everyone now knows that I like pineapple pizza and they're bound to hunt me down now."

Nico, who had been listening, leaned over the breakfast counter, trying to look at the screen. He laughed and hit his boyfriend playfully on the head, "Oh shut up, Will. Everyone should hunt you down." He walked over to the stove, muttering something about how pineapple pizza was horrible.

Jason sniggered. He looked down at his phone again, scrolling through the comments on his post. They went from, AWW, THIS IS ADORABLE STOP🥺✋, from Rachel, to This is very cute! Happy Valentine's day to you too, Jason!, from Hazel. 

Jason just couldn't stop smiling. He loved Valentine's day.

 He loved Valentine's day

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