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[ mortal au ]


annabeth 🦉
Mason just cancelled our Valentine's Day plans.

percy 🌊
oh my god annabeth
what the fuck
that sucks

annabeth 🦉
Yeah. I know.
You'd think that when you've been dating for
five months and made plans literally a week in advance...

percy 🌊
aw dude :(
i'm sorry
hey guess this means that now i get to take you out :)

annabeth 🦉
Thank you. But it's okay.
I'm sure you have other plans.

percy 🌊
grover and i were gonna be galentines
my plans literally consist of us bro-ing out.

annabeth 🦉
By that, you mean obvious "bro" stuff like beer and football, right?

percy 🌊
obvi 🙄
there's definitely nothing in our plans which involved
making heart-shaped pizzas

annabeth 🦉
Ok, now that got a laugh out of me.
But, seriously, don't cancel on Grover because of me.
I'll be fine.

percy 🌊
wise girllll
i'm being srs
i'm not gonna cancel on anyone, chill
grover and i can hang during the day and i'll take you out for dinner and a movie
classic date stuff
i'll even pick a fancy restaurant

annabeth 🦉
Aw. Are you serious?
Thank you so much.
You're the best, Seaweed Brain.

percy 🌊
don't i know it!

annabeth 🦉
Don't get too full of yourself now

percy 🌊
see you this weekend annabeth :)


Percy shifted the bouquet of red roses to his left hand, the plastic crinkling as he did so. He straightened his tie, even though he knew it was already straight because he'd re-checked it at home about a dozen times. He smoothened his shirt, and let out a breath. He switched the roses back to his right hand.

Percy was standing in the hallway of Annabeth's apartment building, in front of her flat door. The apartment building itself was a little rustic, a little on the older side. The hallway was painted entirely in shades of brown and the same kind of lampshade lined the entirety of the walls. It reminded him of home, of his mom's house. He smiled, and looked straight at Annabeth's door, the golden lettering of her flat number staring back at him.

Percy straightened his tie again, unsure of what to do with his free hand. His palms were sweaty, and he fumbled nervously. It was fine, it was fine. He was just taking out the girl he'd been crushing on since the seventh grade out on a Valentine's Day date.

And it wasn't even a date, right? Not a real one. So, there was no reason to worry. None at all. It was just this huge joke. They were just going to pretend. All they were was best friends.

Oh god, should he have gotten her chocolates? Wasn't that how the guys in movies always showed up? With flowers and chocolates?

Shit, shit, shit, shit. Could he run and find a box of chocolates somewhere? Shit. He looked down at his watch. 6:28 p.m. Nope, no way he was going to be late.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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