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Nico di Angelo used to be the man who no one wanted to get close to. Sure, he had friends who loved him and he loved them as well, but when it came to matters of the heart? No, there was not one person in this world who would truly love Nico di Angelo.

Yes, women and men alike would swoon and talk about him, the man who owned a large car company, was swarmed in cash and was deemed the "bad boy" by numerous magazines.

But, no one knew Nico di Angelo, they didn't know that all the money he received from his sales went to charity, orphanages, old-age homes and to his employees who he made a point to talk to everyday.

No one knew Nico di Angelo except one boy who caught his eye. One boy who he loved so much. One boy whose name was William Solace.

As the two sat in a limo, the chauffeur driving aimlessly on Nico's orders, there was a peaceful silence. 'Nico, if a bar of soap falls on the floor, is the floor clean or the soap dirty?' Will asked suddenly, brushing a strand of his golden hair behind his ear.

His boyfriend rolled his eyes, his gaze still locked outside the window, hand on his chin. 'Shut up, Solace.'

Will groaned, 'Are you ever going to stop calling me by my last name? We've been dating for two years, you would think we wouldn't be on a last-name basis.' The twenty-four year old knew Nico took to them dating a little differently. Sure, they kissed and held hands, went on dates and whatnot but Nico had always been a bit quiet.

Even now, for example, any other couple sitting in a limo, the back seat all to themselves? They would probably be making out, but with Will and Nico?

Nico was sitting by the window, looking outside at the pastures they had just passed. Will was sitting close to him, but not that close. He knew the brown-eyed man respected his personal space, so Will simply smiled as Nico answered the question in his usual monotone voice.

'I can't exactly call you "Solace" when your last name's "di Angelo", can I?' The taller man said as Will went a bright red.

'W-what?' He said but then his eyes widened as his face lit up and a soft smile grew on his face. 'Nico, did you just say we were going to get married?'

'I suppose.' He answered as Will furrowed his eyebrows.

'Oh come on, did you really mean it when you said that my name was going to be "di Angelo"?'

Nico pondered on the question for a moment, had he meant it? Of course he had. He would love the day he could call his boyfriend, his husband.

'Yes, I did mean it.' Will smiled dreamily at the black-haired man, his breath quickening.

'I'm going to get married to Nico di Angelo.' He whispered, looking at his hands.

'I'M going to get married to Nico di Angelo.' The blue-eyed boy said again, a little louder.

I'M GOING to get married to Nico di Angelo.' He said even louder.

'HOLY FRICKING DANG IT, I'M GOING TO GET MARRIED TO NICO DI ANGELO.' Will said, yelling at the top of his lungs, the idea seeming to send his mind haywire.

'William, stop it.' Nico said, turning to look at him. 'Instead of yelling it out to the whole word, would you rather I put a ring on it?'

Will's eyes moved to find Nico's in a millisecond. He looked at those dark brown eyes he'd fallen in love with and finally, he said, 'Yeah.' He exhaled lightly. 'Yeah, I would rather you put a ring on it.'

Nico nodded and said to the chauffeur in French, 'Jules-Albert, Souhaitez-vous aller à la bijouterie la plus proche?'

Will smiled again as he heard his boyfriend... fiance? Talk in French, gods, he loved it when Nico spoke in Italian but French too? Was the man trying to kill him?

'What did you say, Neeks?'

'Asked Jules-Albert to go to the nearest jewelry shop. He knows this part of the city well, so he'll go to a good one.' Nico replied, his voice baritone.

Will's azure eyes widened, 'W-wait, we're going now? You mean it when you said we would get a ring?'

Nico glanced at him and then turned his head back to the window and the scenic view outside. 'Well, I'm going to turn thirty at the beginning of next year and if my ma were still alive, she'd probably smack me on the head and say,

"Nico, il mio bambino, you still haven't found yourself a good wife?" And I'd probably laugh and reply, "No mamma, I haven't found a good wife. But, I do think I've found a wonderful husband.".' He stopped there, looking out at all the strangers, shops and street lights they had passed by, taking in the words he was about to say.

'So, in conclusion, yes. I do want to put a ring on it.'

Will gulped and laced Nico's hand with his. Looking intently into the other man's eyes, he said, 'Then let's put a ring on it.'

Nico smiled a small smile, one he only reserved for Will and squeezed the younger boy's hand.

They were going to put a ring on it.

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