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'No, five more minutes.' Nico whines childishly, nuzzling his chest further into Will's chest. Will groans, 'Nico, we have to get up.'

'No, I wanna cuddle.' Nico says, pouting as Will looks down at him. He looks so cute, maybe we ca- Will shakes his head and tries to carefully push Nico away. The smaller boy however, won't have it and tugs on Will's shirt, wrapping an arm around him.

Will sighs and wraps his arm around the boy too, he guesses they can spend a few more minutes like this and anyways, Nico's cute when he gets all cuddle-y.


Will really really wants to have sex with Nico. Like right now, his sweatpants aren't even resisting his nether regions and he has to do something about it. 'Neeks, hey Neeks.' He says, poking the taller boy's back. Nico groans and opens his eyes.

'What do you wa-' He stops as Will presses his lips to his. Nico wants to continue, he really really does. Even more so, when Will sneakily darts his tongue into Nico's mouth but Nico is sleepy. So, he pulls away but Will won't have it and straddles him.

'Will, please not no-' A moan escapes the brown-eyed boy's mouth as Will starts to grind against him. 'Hmm, Will... not now. I'm tired.' Will rolls his eyes and starts to kiss Nico's neck. He knows exactly what this does to the other boy. As Nico slips into his native tongue, moaning in Italian as Will continues to grind against him, Will smiles but his happiness is cut short when Nico sits up.

'Will, I'm really sleepy. Tomorrow morning, ok?' Will groans and mutters a yes, giving Nico one last peck on the lips. The two fall asleep again, their limbs tangled and arms around each other and when Nico wakes up the next day... Will is straddling him again.



'Where the hell are we, Nico?' Will asks his boyfriend looking around the room they're standing in. It looks like their apartment but... photos are littering the walls and is that a... a milk bottle ?

'I just know we're in the future, that's all.' Nico says, groaning. 'I'm going to kill Leo once we get back.'

As Will opens his mouth to speak, they hear a girl's voice from the hallway. 'Dad, Papa!! Are you guys home? We can go pick up Lee from daycare.'

'Uh...' Nico says in confusion as the girl runs into the living room.

'Oh my gods...' The girl looks to be about twelve and her brown eyes widen as she looks at the two people in front of her. 'I'm going to kill Uncle Leo once I get you two back to the past.'

Will furrows his eyebrows in confusion, she said the same thing Nico said and... Wait, who the hell is she?

'Who are you, by the way?' Will questions the girl as she responds with her name. Her name which made Nico go a bright red as the blush rose to Will's cheeks. Her name which made all of Will's dreams come true. Her name which made a million butterflies erupt in Will and Nico's stomachs. Her name which was so perfect.

'Bianca Solace-di Angelo.'


'What type of couple are you?' Will read out loud from the computer screen as Nico smiled and shook his head. 'Why are we doing this again?'

'Because it's Sunday afternoon, we haven't gotten out of bed yet and we're both bored.'

Nico shrugged and laid his head on Will's shoulder, 'Valid answer.'

'Ok, how long have you and your partner been together?'

'1-2 years.' Nico answered as Will clicked the option.

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