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Nico sighed as he fixed his silver and green tie, tugging on his black robes. Running a hand through his hair and fixing his tie again, Nico bit his lip, tilting his head. 

'Should I put on the lip ring or not?' he muttered to himself, grabbing the silver ring. Piper appeared behind him in her Gryffindor robes, smiling at the goth boy in front of her. 

Her choppy brown hair had been pulled into a ponytail, hair decorated with a red and golden headband. Piper's kaleidoscope eyes shimmered with excitement as she pulled out her wand, swishing it around.

'Put the lip ring on, Nico. I'm sure Will is going to love that thing,' she said smirking as Nico scoffed, but still did as she said.

'Alright, I'm ready,' The brown-eyed boy said, his voice monotone as usual. 'Can we go now?'

Piper laughed, 'Well, sheesh. Be glad I'm dragging you out to a party where your boyfriend can appreciate how hot you look in those robes.'

Nico rolled his eyes, this girl... 'Let's go, Pipes.' 

He grabbed her wrist, dragging her out of the apartment. 

'Woah, woah, woah...' 

'What?' Nico asked, digging around his robe pockets for the keys to his motorbike.

'You're letting me ride her?' The girl asked, pointing to Nico's black cruiser.

The Italian laughed, 'Yeah, you get to ride, Piper.'

Piper let out a short scream and then composed herself, 'Well then, I suppose that would be ok.'

Nico laughed again, already hopping on the bike.


'Can we leave, Piper?'

'Nico! You're the one who agreed to come with me!' Piper said, hands on her hips as she glared at him.

Nico scowled at her, but he knew talking wasn't going to get him anywhere. He'd known that from the past two years because when you were friends with Piper McLean, you just had to deal with it.

Whether you had to deal with the fact that she dragged you to a a party late at night or that she insisted you wear your lip ring because, "Nico, you know damn well Hazel doesn't like that thing but boys at this party will say otherwise"... Being friends with the choppy-haired brunette was a job in itself.

Nico sighed as he watched the last few trick or treaters getting their final fills of candy.

Halloween was a crazy night. Usually he wouldn't be part of all the craziness. Nico would rather be curled up on the couch, reading a good book or watching a movie, maybe eating some popcorn. Being dragged to a party was not his ideal Halloween.

Nico sighed again as the two entered the mansion where the party was being held. Piper kept her hold firm on his wrist, pulling him inside the fairyland of probing lights and drinks.

'Alright...' Piper's voice trailed off as she made an incoherent noise. It almost sounded like a squeak.

Nico raised his eyebrows and looked out at the direction Piper was currently widening her eyes at.

There at the center of the party, was Shel, a short dark-haired girl who Piper had the smallest of crushes on.

Nico couldn't help but smirk. Oh was this going to be fun.

The girl, Shel, drifted over to where Piper was standing, her Hufflepuff robes shimmering in the blue light.

'Hey Piper!' she said as Piper made yet another incoherent noise. Piper waved a little too eagerly and her voice came out somewhat high-pitched.

'Hey Shel!'

Shel chuckled and turned to Nico, 'Hey Nico, you two just got here?'

Nico nodded and as he was about to say something, his eyes caught another pair of Hufflepuff robes. He pointed in that direction, 'I'm just going to go,' Nico patted Piper's shoulder.

He moved to whisper in her ear, 'You have fun with Shel, eh?'

Piper's eyes widened, but she kept the smile on her face. Nico laughed and made his way through the crowd, waving a goodbye to Shel.

As he pushed his way through all the sweaty teenagers, he found site of the Hufflepuff robes again. He called out to the figure, 'Will!'

The boy spun around at the voice. Will's blue eyes lit up and he walked towards Nico. Will's golden blonde hair had been styled up and he was wearing the smallest bit of eyeliner. He looked simply luminous with his sun-kissed and freckled skin.

'Why hello, my Slytherin Prince.' Will said, taking Nico's hand and pressing a kiss to the boy's knuckles.

Nico threw his head back, his eyes crinkling at the edges as he burst out laughing.

'Hello to you too, my dorky Hufflepuff.'


Nico stumbled as a dark-haired brunette came up behind him. Piper wrapped her arms around him and laid her head down on his shoulder.

'Oh why, oh why is Shel so cute...' Piper said. Her voice was unusually drowsy and Nico sighed. He moved as Piper collapsed in his arms. Nico shook his head and his boyfriend walked over to him.

'She's out like a light, ain't she?'

Nico moved one arm off Piper and slapped Will's hand, 'Stop with the accent.'

Will shrugged, 'Fuck no, it comes out when I'm drunk.'

Nico shook his head again. Being best friends with Piper McLean was a mess but being Will Solace's boyfriend was even more of a mess.

Nico eyed Will, 'Do me a favor and go get Shel, would you?'

'Yah mean the rhinestone stud lassie, don't you?'



'Hi Shel, would you mind taking care of Piper for me?' Nico asked the girl who was laughing and looking at Piper. 'I would take her back home, but we came here on my bike and uh, I think she would yell at me if I didn't take the chance to take care of this idiot I call my boyfriend.'

Shel chuckled again and took Piper from Nico's arms. Will was laying on Nico's shoulder, a little drool falling from his lips.

Nico sighed and thanked Shel. Piper was going to have a heart-attack when she realized that she was going to be spending the night in Shel's house.

Nico laughed and dragged his boyfriend out of the mansion. 

'Hey Nico,' Will slurred as the Italian started his bike.

'Yeah, Solace?'

Will hummed in reply, 'I love you... Slytherin Prince.'

Nico threw his head back and laughed again. He pressed a kiss to Will's forehead, 'I love you too, dorky Hufflepuff.'

Nico laughed again and looked at his boyfriend who was leaning against at his bike and then at Shel and Piper who were walking out of the mansion.

Maybe this was a good way to spend Halloween night.

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