Aura Kaya *Frodo versus Legolas* Lindir

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"Elen sila lumenn omentilmo," Aura and Kaya sang in harmony while strumming their lutes. "May the light of Varda be with you."

The sad song ended. Aura and Kaya closed their eyes, desperatly hoping they pleased the king with their sing. King Thranduil clapped. "Quite a marvalous song." he said. "Now, I have some business to attend to."

Aura and Kaya smiled at each other with approval and walked out of the throne room. Aura wanted to impress King Thranduil because she wnated him to let us stay in Greenwood. He was very kind...unless someone was hiding the ring from him. But that's a different story.

Kaya was waiting for Frodo to arrive. She hasn't seen him in months! But I think Legolaus enjoyed not having him around. But Legolaus was acting strange around Kaya lately. He wouldn't talk as much but he would smile brightly.

As Kaya waited, Aura started working on some new songs. There was one called The Pit and the Pendulum (this is a song by Edgar Allen Poe, and we do not own it!) It was quite difficult because of the dynamics and tempo changes. If was wonderful though.

Frodo came up and Kaya told the guards to let him in. She huged his neck passionately like she hadn't seen him for 1,000,000 years! They both walked around and talked for a really long time. They even skipped lunch. As they walked past the water fountain, they stumbled upon Legolaus. He didn't seem very happy that one of his old friends from the fellowship was there.

They both knoded but then said nothing else. Kaya asked Frodo what that was all about. He just shrugged and gave one of those I don't know faces. They just kept walking and talking for the rest of the evening until Aura came running to tell us that is was time for dinner. Frodo and Kaya walked behind Aura as they headed to the dinning hall.

The silence as Frodo entered the room was astonishing. There was a pause but then everybody clapped. Frodo went to save our seats as the food was being brought out. There was fried turkey, baked potatoes, green beans, corn, apples, whoke grain bread, tea or water. Frodo felt weird being stared at for most of the dinner.

After the feast, Kaya showed Frodo where he would be staying.

"Thank you for your help," Frodo said, setting his bags down. "I am glad this will be my last visit before I depart."

That reminded Kaya. Frodo would soon be departing for the Grey Havens! "Oh Frodo, you mustn't go! I will miss your presence."

"I understand Kaya, but I am meant to go with my uncle Bilbo and stay with the elves.

Kaya nodded, tears filling her infinite blue eyes. She and Frodo slipped into a big hug. Little did they know that a blonde elf was watching in the doorway.

Frodo looked at Kaya and said, "Maybe Bilbo will let me stay a bit longer?!" Kaya was grinning ear to ear when he said that!

Frodo and Kaya hugged once again. Kaya slowly walked out of the room, still grinning at Frodo. Legolas turned the corner before Kaya was able to spot him eavesdropping on Frodo and Kaya's conversation. Kaya went to find Aura and told her that something weird was going with Legolas and of course Aura knew, she must get it from her dad and also read Legolas' aura. "Alright, I will." Aura quickly walked where Legolas went, but when she found him, he was in the throne room speaking to Thranduil. Aura turned didn't want to interrupt so she told Kaya that she tell later but she needs to work on the music right now. Kaya then walked to Frodo, who was finished unpacking, and told him to meet her at the back gate at dusk. Frodo nodded in agreement knowing that this might be his only shot to finally get close to Kaya without interruption.

At dusk, Frodo was already there. He smiled at Kaya's approach. "I love you." Frodo opening said, hugging Kaya. Upon saying this, Frodo did not think twice, but pressed his lips onto Kaya's. It lasted for what felt like five seconds but it was probably two minutes before they stopped and just talked. That elf heard the chatter and was shocked to see them yet in another kiss, this was a goodnight kiss.

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