Let Go of the Past for Kaya

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Kaya woke up to the feeling of Frodo loosening his grip to get out of bed. She jerked up and surprised Frodo by jumping on his back and he grabbed her legs and walked around their dwelling with her riding on his back. He let her down and they both got ready for the day. When they were all finished they left to go find Aura and Lindir. They weren't to be found anywhere in Valinor. Kaya then leaned down next to a squirrel and asked it to go find them. The squirrel took off and came back with a message that they were in the music hall. Kaya thanked the squirrel and started walking to the music hall. She stopped in place causing Frodo to bump into her. She said,"We mustn't disturb them. They are probably working on something magnificent. If we disturb them then they might loose their creative process. Let's go find something else to do." Frodo nodded in agreement.

They went to a tree like the one in Mirkwood. Kaya missed that big tree in Mirkwood. It was her comfort place. Then she remembered that she hasn't visited in quite some time and she made a promise to Legolas, even though he tried to ruin their wedding. She decided and told Frodo that they needed to visit Mirkwood some time next week. Frodo was stunned that Kaya still wanted to keep her promise. He nodded because Kaya would beg and plead until he said yes so he just cut out the misery of that. Kaya smiled climbed the tree to find herself sitting on a big branch right next to Frodo kissing. Aura and Lindir walked by and looked up and Lindir yelled,"Hey love birds! Want to come to lunch with us or not?!" Kaya turned and looked down and said,"Mayabe in a bit! I'm kind of busy right now!" Aura and Lindir giggled at her and continued to the the dining hall. Kaya and Frodo were kissing a bit longer and then jumped down from the tree and ran to lunch.

There was lasagna and garlic bread. Dessert was chocolate mousse cake. Everyone chit-chatted for a bit and they separated ways. Kaya and Frodo going back to where and what they doing before lunch. Lindir and Aura working on the music. Everything seemed weird in Valinor. Kaya and Frodo were separated from Aura and Lindir. They haven't been as close ever since Aura and Lindir decided to have a child. It's like that was the only thing they had to look forward to. Except for Kaya. She couldn't wait to see Legolas again. She secretly wanted to go without Frodo so there would be no tension but she knew Frodo wouldn't let her go alone. He wouldn't let her go alone because of the past and the fact that he wanted to be Kaya's love. He can't let go of the past but Kaya has long forgotten it. Of course Kaya couldn't keep a secret without it showing so that night before getting in bed she blurted out quickly, "I want to go to Mirkwood alone! I love you but I don't want you and Legolas' tension!" Frodo looked down and said, "I knew you were gonna say that. But your mine and Legolas wants you the same way I have you. I don't want to lose you." "And you won't. You're mine and I'm yours. But if you go with me tension and jealousy will build up and I just can't take the rivalry between you two. I won't go alone if you don't want me to go alone. I must go either way." Frodo looked up and gazed into her begging eyes. He always fell for that. Tonight was different. He said, "I'll sleep on it." Kaya smiled, got under the sheets, snuggled up as close as possible, and fell asleep in Frodo's arms with his lips pressed against her forehead.

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