They Left for the Havens

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Kaya walked to Aura's door only to find a note. The she remembered. "Oh that is right, I went to her goodbye party didn't I?" she cried. Kaya, with dark circles under her eyes, decided to go ahead and go to her meeting with Legolas early.

Kaya approached the door to the study room, trying not to think about Frodo (who was now gone.) As she knocked on the door, Legolas said to come in.

"Greetings, love." he said as he pulled her into a loving embrace.

"Hello Legolas." she replied with no emotion.

"I had you come to ask you something."

"What is it?"

Legolas swept Kaya to the ground, but caught her at the last second. "I wish to have you as my bride." Legolas looked at her with those big blue eyes waiting for her answer.

Finally, Legolas pulled Kaya back up. "The wedding shall be tomorrow. Preparations are taking place now."

Kaya was shocked. "What?! I have to think about it! Did you just assume I would say yes? Sorry but, we've only been dating for 3 months. I love you but I don't want to rush things. Thanks for understanding."

Kaya did not want to marry Legolas, she wanted to be Frodo's girlfriend, but she knew that she had to let him go.

The rest of the day they spent time on a date in the garden. Legolas surprised her with flowers and she kindly appreciated him. Kaya remembered the fight in the garden and one of her last kisses with Frodo. She couldn't stop thinking about it. She thought to just start new and fresh... It was a lot harder than she expected.

They had long conversations. There was also a lot of akward silences, which were normally broken by Kaya asking stupid questions to Legolas even though she already knew the answers. It just wasn't the same with Legolas. She felt like she was meant to be with him but just couldn't feel the spark. Maybe it was because they haven't kissed yet (as a couple).

Kaya had more in common with Legolas than Frodo but she didn't feel the same spark. Opposites attract but apparently Legolas didn't feel that and thought that an elve should be with an elve and a hobbit should be with a hobbit. Kaya thought that at first too, until she met Frodo.

★At The Havens★

Frodo was walking to the his room when he heard Tess Shadonail come up behind him. He turned around to kiss her. “Hello beautiful." He said after kissing her. She smiled and asked him

where they would meet tomorrow. He replied with, “Meet me at second breakfast." She smiled and turned around.

Tess Shandonail had short curly hair that is dark black. If was the opposite of Kaya's long, straight, light brown with streaks of blonde hair. Frodo missed Kaya but he knew he had to move on to a hobbit like Tess. Tess was a bit smaller than Frodo and and was slim but not as slim as Kaya. Kaya was slim enough that Frodo could easily hug two of her with room left over. Kaya had eyes with symphonys of blue. Tess had hazel eyes that were bland and had not pop.

Aura and Lindir have been catching up on happenings, kisses, and music. Aura realized that she shouldn't have left Kaya but figured that she could make new friends. Her new friend was Tess.

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