Aura and Lindir

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"Aura, I love you." Lindir softly said.

"I love you back!" Aura said. "However, I wonder how Kaya is doing. I think she should have escaped to Valinor with us and stayed with Frodo. I know that she loves Frodo and not so much Legolas, and I know that Frodo does not love Tess as much as he does Kaya. I just wish that things could be different."

"Aura, I want to go back to help your friend. I think that Frodo and Kaya should be together."

"But the ship does not arrive for a long time!"

"I understand. One day though, we have to go get Kaya!"

"What if they are already married now?"

"We will still get her back!"

"Thank you for making me brave Lindir. Yes, we will get Kaya back!"

They kissed and hugged each other.

"Let's go see Frodo."

Together they went to Frodo and Tess's house. They were not home.

"They must be at the banquet already, how about we get the food and go to the banquet?"

Aura nodded. They went back home and grabbed their Rivendell Banquet Blackbottom Cheesecake muffins and walked to the banquet, talking of their times in Middle Earth that were swell.

When they reached the banquet, fine music was being played, which reminded Aura of her and Kaya's time of being minstrels.

"I see them Aura, want to go talk to them?" Lindir said.

"Indeed I do, let us go talk to them."

Aura and Lindir set their muffins down on the banquet table and walked over to Tess and Frodo.

"Greetings Master Baggins!" Lindir laughed. "A warm welcome to you as well Lindir!"

The two hugged. "Greetings Mrs. Tess, I am happy to see you!" Aura greeted. "You as well Master Aura."

Together they all exchanged greetings.

As Lindir and Tess talked, Aura walked over to Frodo. "Frodo, are you happy?" she asked.

"What do you mean Aura?"

"Are you happy with Tess and not with Kaya?"

"Aura, Kaya is of my past now. We will no longer be with each other, for she is to most likely be married with Legolas in a short time."

"Frodo, I want you to be with Kaya. You need to be with her!"

"Look, Aura, she is of my past!"

"You still love her, I know you do. Lindir, you, and I shall go back, and this time Kaya is coming, regardless of,what Legolas says!"

Frodo gave a look of excitement. "When the next going ship comes, we shall sail back.Tess shall come too so she doesn't feel alone."

Frodo looked away and nodded. "Yes."

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