Aura and Lindir

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Lindir and Aura strolled around the great lake, talking and kissing every once and a while.

"What shall we name our child, love?" Lindir asked.

"I am not sure. I have always liked the name Anameleth for a girl, and Laermeluion for the boy."

Lindir looked to the sky. "I love those names very much. I like your decision."

Aura smiled and kissed eachother. The subject changed. "I plan to make us a special dinner tonight!"

"What do you plan to make?"

"It's a surprise!"

Lindir smiled, pondering at what the food could possibly be. Aura was pretty good at cooking. All of her meals were very good to eat; they were not bland. Aura generally made food for pitch-in occaasions, and for Lidnir and her to eat as a snack.

Lindir sat in the living area of his home, smelling the delicious foods that Aura was making in the kitchen. "Smells delectible!" he called.

"It will taste delectible as well!" Aura replied. Lindir smiled. He couldn't wait to get that dinner in his mouth!

The dinner was Lindir's favorite meal: golden fish soup with Rivendell Banquet Blackbottom Cheesecake Muffins. He loved it so much. "Thank you my dear!" he said when they ate every last bit of the soup and muffins. "I shall clean it up. Don't you worry about it."

Aura was really happy. She sat back and relaxed in the living area and began to write another song. She knew that her years of being a minstrel were over, but she still loved to write songs about Valinor.

Later that night, Aura sang the song to Lindir and played it on her harp. She never got a reply to how it was, for Lindir had fallen into a peaceful slumber.

One True Promise Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon