Asking Aura and Lindir

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Kaya woke up earlier than Frodo and got ready quickly. She had told Frodo the night before that she was meeting up with Aura and possibly Lindir to take a walk.

Within an hour, Kaya was out of the hobbit-like house and meeting up with Aura and possibly Lindir.

"Hey Kaya!" Aura called, waving to her. Lindir was there. Kaya noticed that Aura had a small baby bump now. She waved back and walked towards Aura. "So I have some matter to talk about to you guys."

"What is it?"

"I plan to visit Mirkwood, but I don't want Frodo to come. I really think that it would cause conflict between him and Legolas. He really wants to go though... What should I say?"

Aura and Lindir pondered at this for a moment. Lindir spoke up:

"I don't think that Frodo should go because it could possibly could cause conflict. I do think he SHOULD DEFINITELY go for your protection. Your protection is more important than conflict. I'm close friends with the great elf and can almost be 100% sure that he will try to take you back."

Aura looked up at Lindir and then turned her head to Kaya. She said, "Lindir is correct. You know exactly what Legolas is thinking about right now. He is thinking about you and he loves you. You obviously still have feelings for him but you know way down deep inside that you love Frodo way more! Don't go alone! You'll regret it! What if he makes it where you can't return to Valinor? Whatever shall you do without me, Lindir, and your husband? Your bind would be broken! Don't go alone. I know you don't want conflict but you mustn't go without the protection of your life partner."

Kaya looked down in sadness knowing they were wrong. She knew that Legolas had changed...or had he? They were all focusing on the past but she was thinking of the future. She had a promise with Legolas and if she didn't keep it, she would not be able to live with herself. Kaya was sad/mad that everyone was against her because of the past.

Kaya looked at Lindir with a harsh look because he was always the one to state his opinion and then Aura would agree. Lindir's eyes widened at the glare from Kaya. Kaya shot around the corner with her long hair blowing in the breeze onto her back. She was running to Frodo, who was in the study, to ask him the question. He looked up her from the chair and smiled. He gave her a smooth, gentle kiss. “What do you need my love?" Frodo asked. Kaya sat next to him on the handle of the chair. She said,“Am I going alone or not to Mirkwood?" Frodo then raised his eyebrows and looked to the side. He hadn't made up his mind yet. He answered, “If you want to go alone so bad, I trust you. We're married and if we don't put trust in each other then what are we to love one another?" Kaya grinned and hugged his neck for a long time and then proceeded to do what they did in the tree the other day. Except for them being in a tree, Kaya was in Frodo's lap. They parted and Kaya took off to tell the Lindir and Aura that they were wrong.

Lindir and Aura were stunned. Kaya immediately went home and packed everything she would need for a few days. The ship was to sail tomorrow. Late that night, Frodo and Kaya were on the couch. Kaya was cuddled close. Turned her head to find themselves touching noses. They turned their heads into a long, goodbye kiss.

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