departure and arrival

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The ship arrived and everyone got on board to head back to Mirkwood. Frodo had his hands full with Tess' and his bags. They had two bags each because that was all they were aloud to bring aboard ship. Lindir carried one bag for him and two for Aura. They came aboard and the ship sailed off to Mirkwood. Frodo was excited to see Kaya again but he didn't show it around Tess because she would get mad that he still had feelings for her.

Tess took the bags and put them in the cargo part of the ship. They sat down and talked in the captains area with Lindir while he steered. They had a good time and Tess and Frodo kissed a time or two. When hit land they all grabbed their bags quickly except Aura ran up to the front of Mirkwood and asked permission from the guards if everyone could have a 4 day visit inside Mirkwood. The guards were glad to see that Aura coming back for a visit. They granted her permission for a 4 day visit in Mirkwood.

Everyone came in and found their guest rooms. Each were separate. Frodo was the one who got the grand room for being the ring bearer. Tess got the second best room for being the ring bearers girlfriend. Aura and Lindir had separate beds but had to share a room. They put their bags down and set out to find Kaya. Tess wanted to meet Kaya because she wanted to see what this whole thing was about.

Kaya was in he study room talking to Legolas. Aura and Lindir looked in her room, she wasn't there so they went out to the garden, not there either. Tess and Frodo looked in the dining hall, not there. Then they looked in the study to find Legolas and Kaya talked. Frodo practically yelled,“Kaya! I found you once again!" Kaya was astonished that they sailed all the way back just to see her. Legolas seemed annoyed at what was happening. He turned to Kaya and said,“ I'll go get us all some tea." Frodo ran to Kaya giving her a hug. Kaya looked up over Frodo's boulder and asked who the other hobbit was. Tess walked up and said,“I'm Tess. Frodo's new girlfriend." With that, Tess pulled him into a kiss. Frodo was not wanting that. Kaya felt weird. She said,“Oh. It's nice to see you moved on. I'm very happy for you."

Legolas came back with a tray of tea and sat it down in the coffee table. Kaya introduced herself,“I'm Kaya." Legolas came up behind her and said,“I'm Legolas, Kaya's boyfriend." Kaya looked up at Legolas and he smiled. Tess looked at Legolas like he was a pile of diamonds. Legolas didn't make eye contact with her because she would go nuts over him when he didn't even like her. He was also taken.

They all sat down and they talked about how everyone met. Legolas met Kaya after a performance years before the Ring of Power was destroyed. Tess and Frodo met while bumping into each other at the Havens at 2nd breakfast. It was very romantic while talking. They all caught up on how things changed when everyone left.

Tess looked at Frodo's eyes and couldn't help herself but to kiss him for a short bit. Frodo still didnt feel anything between the two of them. He felt kissing her was wrong so she would always kiss him and Frodo never would kiss back.Kaya got suddenly jealous and turned her head towards Legolas to look into his big blue eyes and couldn't help herself but to just keep staring. Until there it was, the spark Kaya had been waiting for between Legolas and herself. They had their first kiss (as a couple) right then and there. It then felt right to be with Legolas now.

Legolas was surprised at first but then kissed back. Kaya nor Legolas stopped for a bit because it finally felt right. If the spark in Kaya bursted out of her then it would fly up into the air and become a shooting star. She felt what she felt with Frodo.

Frodo noticed what happened and felt ashamed. He knew bringing Tess along was a bad idea but he didn't want to hurt her feelings. Frodo said,“We'll be right back. We need to unpack and find Aura and Lindir. "

Kaya parted from Legolas and said,“Okay, see you soon." Then Kaya and Legolas proceeded to kiss again and Kaya loved having that spark back in her. She felt Legolas' love and the way he lit up a room when he walked in.

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